Chapter 9-The Future

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Trigger warnings: unwelcome attention from a  boy, drinking, jealousy, Y/n threatening people


1 month later

It was bonfire night. The new Greenie was currently fighting with Gally. I sat with Newt, Minho and a couple other friends. I was talking with Minho about a couple things. Newt excused himself and got up to go to talk with Alby. The new Greenie sat down next to me.

"So, you're the only girl?" He asked.

"Yep," I replied, hoping the short answer would signal that I'm not interested in talking with him. Minho yelled as Ben poured something over him. Minho sprang up and took off after Ben. I laughed but stopped when the Greenie put his arm around my shoulders. I shifted uncomfortably and tried to move away. He stopped me.

"So, baby—"


"—how'd a girl like you end up in a place like this?"

"First of all, my name is Y/n not baby and secondly don't touch me," I snapped and got up. He followed me.

His hand grabbed my arm and I stopped to glare at him.

"Come on, just give me a chance," he said and tried to pull me closer. I resisted and tried to pull my arm loose.

"Let go," I kept my voice low and filled with a sliver of annoyance and anger.

"Baby, one chance. You'll see," he insisted and tightened his grip.

"Did someone explain the fourth rule?" I asked. "Anyone who touches me without my permission can get Banished. Have they told you what that means yet? It means you spent the night in the maze with the lovely monsters called Grievers. No one survives a night in the maze. Now, let go and don't touch me again or I will break your arm," I smiled at him, it worked to intimidate him and he dropped my arm.

Only a couple people had been watching us, including Fry. He raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes. The Greenie frowned then started towards me again. I hurriedly walked over to where Newt was talking to Alby and dragged him down for a kiss. His arms went around me as he pulled me closer. Alby muttered something and left. I broke the kiss after a moment and leaned my head against his chest.

"Are you okay, love?" Newt's voice was filled with slight concern. He looked around and noticed the Greenie staring. "Did he try something?" He asked in a low voice.

"Not really, he put his arm around me, called me baby—which was so gross—and then tried a terrible pick up line. I told him not to call me that name and also not to touch me. I got up to leave but he grabbed my arm and tried to convince me that I should give him a chance but I said no and threatened to break his arm. I wanted to show him that I'm taken so I came over to kiss you."

Newt glared at the Greenie, "I can get him thrown in the Slammer if you want."

"Nah, he's learnt his lesson, if he hasn't I'll break his arm. Can we go?"

"One second," Newt said and let go of me to walk over to the Greenie. I leaned against a tree while I watched. Minho came over and joined me, he was still soaked in Gally's drink.

"What happened with the Greenie? Newt looks mad," Minho asked.

"He tried to make a move on me, I threatened to break his arm and then I came over to kiss Newt right in front of him. Newt's gone to tell him off," I explained.

"This is gonna be good," Minho commented as Newt reached the Greenie. They talked for a moment and then Newt roughly grabbed him by the collar.

Newt's POV

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