Chapter 23-Ratman

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The dreams came quickly as they usually did. I blinked and looked around at my old home. My heart ached from the lack of memory about this place. Sunlight streamed through the windows and outside the bright blue sky was clear of clouds. The ocean glittered off the cliff. I heard a noise behind me and I turned around, my younger self was making food in the kitchen. I took a couple moments' opportunity to look around more, trying to commit the house to memory. Younger me finished making food and carried it down the hallway and up the stairs into what I think was my room. I entered the room just as my younger self closed the door. My twin and another boy sit on the ground. I looked at them for a moment before I looked around the room. Bookshelves lined the walls and books were scattered around the room. My younger self sat on the floor with the boys and divided the food between them.

"We should have like a secret language just for us three to use," my younger self said suddenly.

"Absolutely! Get something to write on," the boy said and my twin brother got up to grab something to write on. I sat on the edge of my badly made bed and watched as they worked out how to write the language. They decided it was only going to be a written language for now. They replaced letters with symbols and squabbled about what symbols should be for what.

"Is that the eye of Sauron?" My twin asked as the younger me drew an eye for the letter L.


"And that's the deathly hallows symbol," the other boy said, amused.

"Yes, now shut up the both of you."

My twin got up and opened the door. "Mum, she told us to shut up!" He yelled down the hallway.

"Y/n, don't tell them to shut up!" A woman's voice yelled back, I got up quickly and ran for the source of it but the memory dream didn't let me and I slammed into an invisible wall.

"You couldn't see what was happening with your parents so that's why you can't go see them," the strange blood covered version of me said next to me, scaring the life out of me.

"What is your problem?!" I snapped at her. She smirked, amused.

"I'm bored, but at least we are finally getting out of that prison."

"Whatever," I replied and headed back to my old room.

"Why have you drawn a fork with only three points?" My twin asked and the other boy made a disapproving sound.

"Idiot, that's the trident symbol from Percy Jackson. Y/n gave you the books, you said you read them?" The other boy asked.

"Okay I admit it, I didn't read them," my twin told him. Younger me swatted him and he lightly swatted her back.

"Some of these look like the runes from shadowhunters," the other boy noted, peering at the piece of paper.

"Well, I needed inspiration from somewhere."

After more squabbling they finished it. I looked over my younger self's shoulder at it.

"You should probably try to memorise those. I think you're going to need it," said the blood covered girl. I decided to do as she said, I tried to memorise most of them.

"Y/n!" a voice called but my younger self doesn't look up. I looked at the blood-covered girl, who was watching me.

"Y/n!" The voice called again.

"Time to wake up," the blood covered girl said. "Punch Ratman for me?"

"Who?" I asked but I was ripped from the dream before she could answer.

"Y/n!" Newt shook me and I opened my eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We gotta go, come on!" He half dragged me out of the helicopter. We started running with the others down the sand dune. I could hear shrieks in the distance, they didn't sound remotely human.

"Cranks! We got Cranks!" Someone yelled, one of the guards.

"Keep running, don't look back!" Another guard yelled at us. Naturally, I shot a quick glance over my shoulder. In the darkness I could faintly make out the shapes of people coming down the hill. I looked back the way we were running, we ran towards a large building. This one was intact, not destroyed like the others we saw. We reached the doors and they closed behind us. I looked around, we seemed to be in some sort of warehouse. We were forced into a room and the door locked with a click. I tried the door anyway, but it didn't open. Newt put a hand on my arm and turned me around. In the centre of the room there was a table covered in food. We all stared at it before we rushed forward and started eating. Until that moment I didn't realise how hungry I was. Teresa threw rice at us and we ended up having a food fight. After we were all full and happy we sat down around the room. I curled up next to Newt and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Did you have another dream?" Newt asked quietly, but the others heard and looked at us.

"Yeah. It wasn't one of the bad ones. There was another boy this time."

"A boy?" Newt asked.

"I don't think he's related to me, my brother was there too," I replied.

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing much," I told him. "Just everyday life I guess."

I'm tempted to tell him about the strange dream version of me but I decide to keep that quiet.

"You woke me up," I said.

"Ah sorry," he said and I just moved closer to him and closed my eyes. The others began talking quietly but I blocked them out. Newt ran his fingers through my hair gently. I was almost back asleep when the door opened. Newt helped me up and the others also got up. A man entered the room with some guards. There was no other way to say it, he looked like a rat.


Why did she want me to punch him?

"Are you kids doing alright?" Ratman asked. "Sorry about all the fuss, we had a bit of a swarm."

"Who are you?" Thomas asked.

"I'm the reason you're all still alive and it is my intention to keep you that way. Now, come with me, we'll get you kids squared away." Ratman left the room. We all looked at each other and my hand slipped into Newt's. He tightened his grip. We all exited the room and followed Ratman through the building.

"You can call me Mr. Janson," Ratman said over the noise of the building. "I run this place, for us it is a sanctuary, safe from the outside world. You all should think of it as a way station, kind of a home between homes. Watch yourselves," Janson said gesturing at the sparks flying from where people are working. Newt pulled me away from them.

"Do you mean you're taking us home?" Thomas asked Janson. Janson turned to look over his shoulder at him.

"A home of sorts. Sadly, there wouldn't be much left of wherever you came from but we do have a place for you. A refuge, outside the Scorch, where Wicked will never find you again. How does that sound?"

"Why are you helping us?" Minho asked suddenly.

"Yeah, what's in this for you? What do you want?" I asked.

"Let's just say that the world out there is in a rather precarious situation. We're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the Flare virus makes you kids the best chance of humanity's continued survival. Unfortunately, it also makes you a target as no doubt by now you've noticed," Janson stopped walking at a door and slid a keycard to open it, "Beyond this door lies the beginning of your new lives. First thing first, let's do something about that smell."

1298 words

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