Chapter 31-I Nearly Kill us All

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"Ready to continue down memory lane?" The Wraith's voice sounded from behind me and I turned around.

"I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Nope!" The Wraith said cheerfully and snapped her fingers. I saw several second memories of the three of us walking through ruined buildings, across the desert and through small communities of people. "You and your brother tried to find Vince, Alex and Archie but it was impossible considering you were on the run from Wicked and could barely stay in the same place for more than a couple days. You left coded messages for Alex with the date and where you were going but you never found them."

"Wait, the date? We didn't have symbols for numbers?" I interrupted and she gave me an annoyed look.

"You did actually, you just didn't see that part. Anyway, at one point, months after you started being on the run, your little sister got infected. Days later, you got ambushed in an old building by Ratman's pups—"

"'Pups?'" I interrupted again.

"Yes, 'pups,' baby rats are called pups, or kittens. Now shut up and listen. Ratman's pups were very powerful Enhanced. You fought for a bit and got separated from your brother," the Wraith snapped her fingers and we were back in one of the buildings I had a nightmare about months ago. The room with the body being covered by a plastic cover. "By this point, Lillian was turning and died—"

"How?" I interrupted a third time.

"No spoilers and I think you already know," the Wraith answered. "You lost control, snapped and killed all of the Wicked soldiers and the Enhanced there. Ratman's daughter saw an opportunity to turn on Wicked and took it, she helped you kill Ratman's son."

"Why would she turn on them?"

"Her brother was very abusive and she hated him and her father. Anyway, you and your brother parted ways with her. You and your brother managed to go about another month before you were captured again. Livia created illusions and your brother 'died,' you were then taken into a Wicked building, had your memories erased and you were sent up into the maze."

"Why are you telling me all this?" I asked, suddenly suspicious.

"The sooner you remember everything, the sooner I get out of this prison," she replied coolly.

"What prison? I thought you meant the maze?" I asked, exasperated.

"I'm trapped in your body, only able to appear in your dreams. Your mind is my prison and I'm going to break out," she hissed at me.

"How are you going to do that?" I frowned, confused.

"When you get all your memories and it back, you won't be able to resist."

"We'll see," I replied. She glared at me and snapped her fingers. I was thrown out of sleep.

I spent the rest of the night thinking over the events of the night. When dawn finally broke and the others woke up I was ready to get going. Newt noticed the dark circles under my eyes but didn't say anything. The others also looked exhausted but we started walking towards the mountains. The sun's heat was unforgiving and forced us to drink a lot of water. Even though we tried to ration it, we started to run out quickly. As night fell we chose a random spot on the ground to spend the night. No one argued against it and we ate cold soup from the cans and used our bags as pillows to sleep. I cuddled against Newt for warmth and he rubbed circles on my back until I fell asleep.

There was blood everywhere, covering the walls, floors and even some places on the roof of the hallway. Crumpled bodies littered all over the ground. I cried out and took several steps backwards and tripped over a dead guard.

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