Chapter 44-Reunion

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Warnings: mentions of murder, mild blood descriptions, slight fighting, typical sibling bickering, mentions of Teresa's betrayal.

Nikolai POV

I carried Y/n as we began the slow walk back. We had stopped at the apartment to gather the rest of our belongings. Newt walked next to me, clearly still suspicious of me. Alex walked on my other side. He was taller than me now, not by much. He was quite strong, too. I noticed he had a thin layer of muscle on him. His dark blond hair fell in his emerald green eyes as he walked and he brushed it away. I forced my eyes down to make sure I didn’t trip and drop Y/n.
“You okay? You’re kinda red. Do you need me to carry her?” Alex asked me with his stupidly attractive deep voice. Why was I noticing this right now?
“I’m okay,” I answered, trying to keep my voice normal and not a squeak.
Alex frowned at me, “Are you sure?”
“I’ll let you know if I’m going to drop her, Alexander,” I replied and Alex snorted at the nickname.
“Vince is gonna kill you,” Alex laughed and I groaned and shifted Y/n in my arms.
“Why does my little sister have to faint at the worst times?” I complained, though my heart wasn’t in it. I didn’t care really, just as long as she was safe.
“I thought you were twins?” Newt asked, suspicion lacing his tone.
“We are, I’m seven minutes older, I like to tease Y/n about it,” I shifted her again.
“Oh, give her here,” Alex moved in front of me and dumped his bag on the ground.
“No, I got her,” I protested but Alex held out his arms. I rolled my eyes and shifted Y/n into his arms, my hand brushed Alex’s, sending sparks up my arm. I picked up Alex’s bag and slung it over my shoulder. Newt moved so he could walk next to Alex.
“You owe me an explanation,” Alex reminded me as I picked up my pace to match his.
“Later,” I replied. We walked in silence for a while after that.
“I know you were joking about it earlier, but I did miss you,” Alex admitted and I smirked at him.
“Of course you did, Alexander.”
“Don’t make me take it back,” Alex warned.
“You’ve said it, you can’t take it back now,” I laughed, feeling happy about it. We fell back into silence for a minute. “I missed you too.”
“I knew it!” Alex smirked smugly and I rolled my eyes. Alex looked around, studying the land. “We’re almost there. They should be just up ahead.”
I looked around at the rocky hills. A dark skinned girl came into view, she walked quickly towards us, slinging her rifle over her shoulder.
“Alex? What’s going on? Who are they?” she demanded and then froze as she saw Archie, “Archie!?”
Archie threw his arms around the girl who bent down to hug him.
“Hey, Harriet, this is Nikolai,” he tilted his head at me. “Not sure who the little girl is exactly but her name is Aaliyah, and this is Y/n,” he lifted her up a little.
Harriet studied her for a moment and all the blood on her, “Is she dead?”
“No. Just nearly dead,” I explained helpfully.
Harriet hesitated, going over the information, “Wait like, Y/n and Nikolai Y/l/n?”
“Yeah,” Alex nodded.
“But they’re dead?” Harriet said slowly, flicking between. Alex and my faces.
“Nope, we’ll explain everything later. We have to talk to Vince,” Alex sighed and Harriet nodded. She led us to a small camp of people, a dark skinned boy ran over as we walked through the camp.
“Is that Y/n? Is she okay?” the boy demanded, trying to get a good look at her.
“She’s fine, Fry,” Newt said tiredly.
“How much trouble am I gonna get in?” I wondered aloud to Alex.
“We’ll start digging a grave,” Alex said solemnly.
I couldn’t tell if he was kidding.
Harriet led us to a man who had his back facing us.
“Dad!” Archie yelled and ran for him. Vince turned around quickly and his face lit up. The years hadn’t been kind to him. He was a lot older than I remembered, permanent frown lines marked his face.
“Archie?” he dropped down and opened his arms. Archie threw himself into his father’s arms. “How on earth did you get free?”
Archie turned and pointed at me.
“Hey, Vince,” I said with a small smile and a wave.
It took him a second to realise who I was and he stumbled back, pale with shock.
“What? Why did you bring the Snake here? They’re just illusions, Alex!” Vince yelled and pulled a gun out.
“No, they’re not illusions, they’re really here,” Alex said.
“Besides, the Snake is dead,” I added.
“Prove it,” Vince demanded.
I frowned, “That the Snake’s dead? Didn’t really take a souvenir—“
“That you’re Nikolai,” Vince interrupted impatiently.
“Right. Uhh…” I tried to think of a memory, “Remember that time when we were at home and then you started screaming. We all thought there was like a Crank or something so we came running. You were standing on the chair screaming because there was a giant spider in your boot. You wouldn’t get down even after we killed it and you forced us to check your boots several times to make sure there weren’t any more spiders.”
Vince slowly lowered his gun, “Nikolai?”
“The one and only,” I grinned, dramatically spreading my arms.
“Nikolai!” Vince yelled rushing forward and clapping me on the back in a hug, “You’re supposed to be dead!”
“Well, it’s a very long story that I need my sister to help me tell, and as you can see, she’s unconscious. Coralie knows we were just in the city, we need to pack up and leave.”
“Coralie? Why is that bad?” Vince asked. “Shouldn't we go back for her?”
I went quiet for a moment and shared a look with Alex, he nodded, “Coralie’s the Phoenix,” I explained quietly.
“No, don’t be ridiculous. She wouldn’t betray her own family,” Vince laughed but stopped as he saw my expression, “Why would—why would she do that?”
“Because she fell in love with the Wolf, who also happens to be James,” I explained with an eye roll. “It’s ridiculous.”
“Then Livia is…”
“Was the Snake,” I finished. Vince swore and ran his eyes over the group, his gaze settled on Aaliyah. His eyes narrowed.
“That’s not Lillian,” Vince stated. “Who’s that?”
“Aaliyah, Y/n kidnapped—I mean rescued her in a random town we passed through,” I explained, watching Aaliyah shift uncomfortably because of the attention.
“And Lillian?” Vince asked hesitantly.
I stayed quiet and shook my head.
“What happened?” Vince demanded.
“She got infected, there was nothing we could do,” I rubbed at my hands, trying to distract myself from the memories of my baby sister.
Vince nodded and looked at Y/n, he drew in a sharp breath, “Is she…”
“She’s fine, we need to move,” I pleaded with him and he nodded.
“Pack up!” Vince yelled and everyone started moving around. Vince came forward and hugged me, “It’s good to see you.”
“You too,” I replied as he released me.
Alec shifted Y/n in his arms and I eyed him, “Are you gonna drop my sister?”
“No,” he said shortly. “We found a car the other day that works, Y/n can ride in it.” He carried her over to the car and got me to open the door to the backseat. He put her on it. “We should get some of the girls to change her later,” Alex said and I nodded.
Once Y/n looked comfortable enough we shut the door and walked away. I looked down at myself, Y/n’s blood stained my hands and the front of my shirt. Alex’s hand on my shoulder drew my attention.
“I liked this shirt,” I tried to joke but Alex as always saw right through it. He pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around him tightly.
“She’s okay,” Alex reassured me.
“Mm,” I murmured, voice muffled by his shoulder. Why were his hugs so comforting? I wanted to stay here forever.
“Oi!” Vince yelled and we looked at him, “Hugs later, help out you lazy kids!”

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