Part 4-The Aftermath

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Nikolai is dead. Y/n’s alone again. This time, she must find a way to live with the memories of her brother.
Alex refuses to talk to her, instead choosing to blame her like the rest of the Right Arm.

On top of having to navigate her way through grief, the Wraith spirals almost out of Y/n’s control.
It’s not a matter of if she will go insane. It’s a matter of when.

She just hopes someone will be there to catch her when she falls. Or at least someone to put a bullet in her head before she and everyone she loves dies by the Wraith’s hand.

But things will get far worse than she could have ever imagined.

Warning: This part has some suicidal themes but no one actually does it. There are mentions of attempts.
If you are struggling with this, I encourage you to seek help or talk to someone. If you feel uncomfortable talking to someone you know, there are websites that allow you to talk to a professional for free.

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