Chapter 30-Tragedy

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Somehow we managed to make a makeshift stretcher and some of the boys pulled Winston along. I offered to help but they wouldn't let me. Instead I carried Minho's bag for him because he and Frypan were doing enough work by pulling Winston. I walked next to Newt in silence, he hadn't tried to speak to me, probably didn't want to upset me. After a while I reached over and slipped my hand in his. He looked at me surprised.

"I'm sorry about this morning, I didn't mean to take my frustration out on you," I sighed.

"It's okay love," Newt smiled at me and I managed a small one back before I looked over my shoulder at Winston. Newt caught my worried look. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, I'm just worried about him."

"Why are you keeping so many secrets?" He asked, hurt.

"Newt," I started but cut myself off to think about what to say. Newt started to pull his hand away but I held it tighter. "I saw my family in my dreams."

Newt stopped trying to pull away.

"Alex and Vince too. We all lived together in this lovely house. Their faces weren't even blurry. I could see them all properly," I told him slowly. "I saw their bodies. My parents."

"Y/n..." Newt said softly.

"I'm okay," I said before he could ask. "I just wasn't really prepared to see it."

We walked in silence as we walked past a bridge. A while later the wind picked up and sand blew in our faces. I pulled my jacket up to cover my face and the others did the same.

"We gotta find shelter!" Thomas yelled over the sound.

We found a bit of broken concrete and shelter there until the storm passes. We took a while to rest and drink water. Teresa watched Winston as he struggled for breath. Aris leaned against the concrete and also watched. After a while Teresa got up to go talk to Thomas who was standing on a sand dune looking at the mountains. I leaned against Newt and groaned, he looked at me.

"You okay love?" He asked me.

"It's so hot I could just burn to death right here and now," I complained and wiped the sweat from my forehead with my sleeve.

"How's it looking?" Newt called out to Thomas and Teresa.

"It's a little further," Thomas responded.

"Well that wasn't very convincing," Newt sighed and I laughed despite everything in my body aching. We sat there for a minute and then I noticed Winston was awake. He met my eyes for a second and then grabbed his gun from his bag and moved it towards his head. I realised what he was going to do and lunged for him. I moved the gun away from his head as it went off. I ripped it from his grip and stood up, the others rushed over.

"Hey guys, get down here!" Aris shouted to Thomas and Teresa and they ran towards us.

"What's going on?!" Thomas asked as they reached us.

"I don't know, he just woke up and grabbed the gun!" Frypan exclaimed.

Winston moved so he was on all fours, he reached for the gun but I refused to give it back.

"Hey, Winston, are you okay?" Thomas asked and moved forward. Winston threw up black blood on the sand and coughed. He laid back on the sand and looked up at us.

"It's growing," he managed between gasps of breath. He lifted his shirt and pulled away the bandage revealing the black veins and ruined black skin on his stomach. I looked away, my eyes full of tears.

"You knew," Frypan said, looking at me. The others all turned to me and I nodded.

"Why didn't you say anything? We could've done something?" Teresa sounded betrayed.

"There's nothing we can do, there's no cure," I said quietly and looked back at Winston.

"I told her not to say anything," Winston said and everyone's attention went back to him and he pulled his shirt back down to cover it. He laid there in silence for a moment. "I'm not gonna make it." He reached for the gun, "Don't let me turn into one of those things," he begged and dropped his arm. Everyone's quiet for a moment and then Newt gently took the gun from my hand.

"Wait, Newt..." Thomas began but trailed off as Newt gave the gun to Winston.

"Thank you Newt," Winston told Newt. "Now, get outta here."

"Goodbye, Winston," Newt managed, I could tell he was trying not to cry. The others also said their goodbyes.

I let out a sob, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's not your fault," Winston reassured me.

"Goodbye," I slowly took my eyes off him and pulled my backpack over my shoulder. I walked quickly to catch up with Newt. I caught up and walked next to him. I figure he was probably mad that I didn't say anything about what was happening to Winston so I didn't try to talk to him. We all walked a short distance away in silence until we heard the unmistakable sound of a gunshot and we all stopped and looked back towards where we had come from. Tears streamed down my face and I tried not to drown in my guilt. Newt grabbed my hand suddenly.

"I wanted to say something," my voice was uneven.

"I know Winston told you not to, I'm sorry you had to shoulder that alone," Newt whispered and brushed the tears from my face. He pulled me along and the rest of us started walking.

We walked for the rest of the day until we reached an abandoned ship where we decided to make camp for the night. With broken pieces of wood we managed to get a fire going with matches one of us found back at the ruined building we spent last night at. We cooked the canned food I had been keeping in my bag. We all sat around the fire, I was curled up at Newt's side and half asleep on his shoulder already.

"Thought we were supposed to be immune," Minho broke the silence, he was fiddling with one of my throwing knives.

"Not all of us, I guess," Teresa assumed tiredly.

"If Winston can get infected, we should assume so can the rest of us," Newt decided.

"My sister wasn't immune either," I said suddenly, remembering Lillian. Eyes flicked to me.

"Your sister?" Teresa asked with a frown.

"Her name was Lillian, we thought she was immune but Nikolai said that she caught the Flare and died. I remember carrying her through this old building, we were running from someone. And then..."

"And then?"

"I don't remember," it was the truth, but it felt like I lied. I saw Newt's watching me, and in a low voice I said, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I needed time to process stuff."

"It's okay love," Newt sighed and wrapped his arm around me. Silence settled back over us.

"I never thought I would say it but, I miss the Glade," Frypan broke the silence.

"Me too," I agreed quietly and the silence resettled.

I closed my eyes and leaned into Newt's warmth. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and I slowly fell asleep.

1178 words

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