Chapter 3-Dreams

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Trigger warnings: nightmares, blood, dead body, disease, nausea mention, self harm scars

Y/n's POV

I ran through an old building, stepping over the broken pieces of concrete and rubbish that littered the ground. Tears streamed down my face. I could hear inhumane shrieks in the distance and I risked a glance over my shoulder at the empty corridor behind me before I whipped my head back around to make sure I didn't trip and lose valuable time.

"Y/N STOP, JUST GIVE UP. IT'S OVER. HE'S DEAD," a girl's voice yelled from behind me. I stopped running and turned around again. A girl stood a small distance away from me but she was blurry and I couldn't make out any of her features.

"He's dead," the girl repeated and I heard the amusement in her voice. "What are you going to do now? It's just you. You have no chance at killing any of us."

"I don't care," I found myself saying. Movement caught my eye and I looked to my left, a large mirror covered the wall. In it, I saw myself covered in blood, I froze suddenly as my reflection moved without me moving. My reflection's eyes were wild and looked at me in a way that I took several steps back. I looked back to the other girl but found that she was gone. I looked back at the mirror, the reflection smiled at me. Blood stained her teeth just like it covers everything else. She winked at me. The world around me shatters like glass and then reformed. I was standing in a different building now, it looked familiar and dread filled me. I turned around and noticed a plastic sheet covered something. I moved towards it and noticed an arm poking out from beneath it. Something looked wrong with it, black lines winded their way up the arm. I slowly reached down and started to uncover the small body but like the girl in the other building, it was blurry and I couldn't identify who it was. Nausea overwhelmed me and I put the cover back over the dead body.

Someone called my name and I jolted awake. Newt was standing over me, I sat up and noticed the early morning sunlight streaming through the small window. Relief flooded me and I took a couple deep breaths to calm my racing heart.

"You okay?" Newt asked, concern showing in his voice.

"Yeah, just weird dreams."


"Kind of? It felt so real."

"That's weird."

"Hm," is all I replied and then got out of the warm cocoon of my blankets. I heard Newt take a sharp breath and I turned back to look at him. He was staring at my arms, I looked down and noticed the pale scars that mark my arms. Most of them are small but a couple are long and crooked. Several straight ones mark my wrist, I trace my fingers over them. I couldn't remember my past but I was almost certain what these are from.

"What was past me doing?" I murmured, mostly to myself. I reached down and pulled my shirt up slightly to reveal the mangled scar on my side several shades lighter than the rest of my skin.

"That looks like a burn scar," Newt looked pale and worried. I pulled my shirt back down and tugged on my hoodie to hide the other scars.

"I'm hungry, when do we eat?" I asked, wanting to change the subject. Newt thankfully picked up on it and started towards the door.

"Now, come on, let's go."

We walked down to the kitchen in silence, some of the boys were already there. Frypan was cooking something that smells amazing. Newt led me to a table outside and we sat and awkwardly avoided any eye contact. Thankfully we were saved when Minho walked over and sat down next to Newt.

"Fry's cooking bacon, which is good cause I could eat a whole cow," he told us. Fry called out to us to come get food and we did so and then returned to the table. I picked at my food, the dreams still fresh in my mind and made me lose my appetite. I groaned and rested my head on the table.

"You okay greenie?" Minho asked, "Are you going to eat that bacon?"

I shoved the plate towards him and rubbed at my arm, which has started hurting again. Newt noticed and stared at me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Newt asked me slowly. I stared at him and considered it.

"Talk about what?" Minho asked, still eating the bacon.

"Had weird dreams," I responded. Newt's eyes stared off around the Glade. We sat there in silence for a minute and then I decided to talk.

"It started in an old building," Newt jerked his head back to look at me. "I was running from someone or something, a girl I think. She yelled something at me, she told me to give up and that it was over because he's dead."

"Who's dead?"

"I'm not sure, but it was enough to make me stop and turn around to face her. Then I noticed I was covered in blood, I think most of it wasn't mine. Then the dream changed and I was in a different building, there was this body under a plastic tarp. The room looked familiar too," I left out the part about the mirror and my reflection because I felt that I should keep that to myself.

Newt and Minho stare at me for a couple seconds, thinking about what I said.

"Probably just a weird dream," Newt told me and Minho nodded in agreement but has mostly returned his attention to the bacon. I reached over and stabbed a piece with my fork, he tried to snatch it back but I quickly ate it. He gave me a betrayed look.

"I thought we were friends? How could you do this?" He complained and then sighed and moved his plate of bacon closer so I couldn't steal anymore. Newt laughed a little then and Minho whipped his head to look at him in astonishment. Newt quickly wiped the smile from his face but I could still see the amusement twinkling in his eyes.

"Don't hide your smile, you look adorable," I told him and made eye contact. I watched in amusement as Newt's face turned red. Minho looked between us with a smirk, I kicked him beneath the table and he muffled a yelp.

Newt rolled his eyes, "Y/n, that's harming another Glader."

"I didn't do anything," I said as innocently as I could, Newt raised an eyebrow.

"Y/n, today you're going to be doing all the jobs around the Glade to see where you fit best," Alby said.

"I want to be a Track-hoe."

Alby raised an eyebrow, "You're sure you don't want to try all the jobs first before you make that decision?"

"I'm sure."

"Very well, you can start work with Newt after breakfast."

Minho got up to go do something and I waited for Newt to finish his food. After he did, we got up and walked across to the gardens where Zart and another boy were already at work. We worked most of the morning, Newt told me what to do as I had very little clue as to what I was supposed to do other than pull out weeds. After lunch we got back to work, I took off my hoodie because I could no longer stand the heat. Zart noticed the scars but thankfully didn't say anything. After a while I noticed Zart trying to convince Newt to take a break, Newt's mouth made a thin line, trying to hide his pain and discomfort. I wiped my face on my hoodie and a plan started to form in my mind. I moved closer over to where they are and started to exaggerate being tired from working all day. Newt immediately noticed.

"Y/n take a break."

"No, I'm fine."

"Y/n come on you're exhausted."

"I'll take a break if you take a break," I told him and then focused on pulling out the weeds in the tomato plant bed. Newt stayed silent and then sighed loudly, I hid my smile, knowing I had won. Newt offered me a hand and I let him help me up. I wiped my hands on my pants and we started to walk over to the shade of the tree. Zart caught my eye and gave me a grateful nod. I picked up my water bottle from the shade of the tree and took a long drink before I flopped on the grass and stared up at Newt. I pat the ground next to me and he carefully lay down next to me. I looked up at the sky and pointed out a cloud that looked like a rabbit. We lay there for a while, occasionally pointing out clouds that looked like an animal. After a while Newt draped his arm over his face to cover his eyes and fell asleep. I smiled to myself, the dreams of last night long forgotten.

1490 words

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