Chapter 92-Seven Years Later

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Warnings: angst but fluff too

Seven years later

On the days I missed him the most, I would escape to the top of one of the island’s hills and stare at the sky. Over time, the details of his face slowly faded out of my memory. But I remembered the colour of his eyes clearly. As long as the sun rose and the sky was clear of clouds, I would be reminded of his eyes.
I often wondered if he was with me, watching over me.

Lillian sat next to me, drawing in her book. She was nineteen now and looked so much like our mother.
I was twenty-four, one of the many things I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around. I pushed that thought out of my head for a moment and tugged my leather jacket closer. I always kept it close, one of the only things I had left from Élliot besides memories.
I looked up from Lillian’s drawing and down at the beach.
Newt played in the sand with some children. Two of them being Celia and our daughter, Ellie.
Our daughter had been named after Élliot. Newt built up a mountain of sand and made a face when Ellie knocked it down. Lillian smiled but kept drawing them in the sand. I sighed deeply. This made Lillian look at me.
“Still doesn’t feel real, does it?” she asked, returning her attention to her drawing.
“It never does, but it is real,” I looked up as a seagull soared overhead.
Nikolai came and sat next to me. Alex, as always, was with him. They had taken care of Celia over the years, Celia was almost a daughter to them now.
We all watched the children playing in the sand. Aaliyah and Archie came towards us to join the children. They were both about twelve now. To the joy of everyone, Aaliyah had begun talking a lot more.
Leo and Bella joined us. Their son ran down to Newt and the kids. His name was Kei, named after our friend.
I missed him a lot.
Newt looked up and gave me a stunning smile. He turned back to the kids and I looked to see our other friends talking with Vince. Everything was perfect here. I let myself relax.
Wicked was gone.
The Wraith was gone.
No one would bother us again. I leaned back and closed my eyes, listening to the happy yells of the kids, the waves and the scratching of Lillian’s pencil.

The End.

400 words

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