Chapter 74-Missing Memories (Again)

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Warnings: blood, pain, death, mentions of killing

Weeks later
196 days after his 'death'

I groaned, opening my eyes. I was alone in a car and of course, covered in blood.
"No," I groaned again, leaning forward to hit my head on the steering wheel. It honked, startling me.
I sat up, peering around. It was daytime, the sun peaking through the trees above me. Opening the door, I climbed out. Pain immediately shot down my side, making me double over. My hand went to my shirt, pulling it up. My stomach was bandaged, soaked through with blood.
The Wraith had got hurt?
That was weird.
I tried to remember what had happened. The first part of the memory came flooding back. I choked back a sob, sliding my hands into my hair and gripping tightly. Several swear words left my mouth. More blood was on my hands, directly this time.
After the sound of the gunshot, I couldn't remember anything.
The Wraith ignored my plea for help and continued hiding from me. Leaning my head against the car, I took a deep breath in. I needed to get moving.
The distant sound of the ocean caught my attention. I stood up, leaning over slightly to ease the pain. My arm wrapped over my stomach, pressing into it. Dizzily, I made my way through the trees.
"Hello?" someone called out, making me freeze.
"You're imagining it," said another voice, male and very bored.
"I swear I heard something," replied the first boy, his voice familiar.
"Felix?" I called hesitantly, summoning a gun.
Silence answered me, only broken by the ocean and the light breeze through the leaves above. I stepped forward, peering between the trees and bushes.
"Felix?" I called again, slightly louder. "It's Y/n."
No response.
"I'm literally dying here," I crept forward, using the trees to hold me up. "I can't remember what happened."
I coughed, wincing as my side burned. I swore loudly, tears blurring my vision.
"Felix?" I pleaded, my voice sounding strained, "I know you're there. Don't make me walk more."
"Mon ange?"
I turned my head, not moving anything else.
"Élliot," I sighed, relieved. "What happened to the boy? Is he dead?"
Élliot nodded, looking sad. "You actually did it."
I frowned at him but he was already moving past me. I waited, letting him scout the area. He returned a moment later.
"Felix and someone else are nearby. They're armed and hiding behind a bush," Élliot warned.
I groaned, "Felix, I swear on my parents' graves, it's Y/n."
"I should mention, the Wraith tricked them into thinking she was you," Élliot said, as no one answered.
"What?" I asked, sliding down to the ground. "Ugh, she's so-"
I gritted my teeth, taking small breaths. "Why am I bleeding? What happened? I'm starving."
Élliot nodded, moving forward to kneel by my side.
"Later, for now, focus on making me solid," he said.
I focused, imagining how it felt to hug him.
His hand brushed my shoulder, Élliot drew in a breath and leaned in to hug me.
"Finally," he murmured.
"Dude," I whimpered, pulling back, "I think I'm dying."
Élliot scooped me carefully into his arms, my bad side facing away from him. He carried me forward, moving around the obstacles. He paused and moved around a bush.
Felix stared at us. Or me, since he couldn't see Élliot.
"Howdy," I waved, "Got any food? I'm literally starving."
Felix blinked, the gun shaking in his hands. "Why are you...floating like that?"
"Long story," I dismissed, "First, food and working out how to stop me dying."

Using their fear against them, Felix and his friend agreed to escort us back to camp. He explained that most people were out performing a rescue mission. I nodded off at some point, passing out due to blood loss.
I faded in and out of consciousness for a while, waking to see a terrified girl trying to clean my wound. Her hands were over the deep scratch wounds in my side, shaking violently.
"Breathe," I whispered, trying to calm her down. "I'm the good one."
"Not helping," Élliot said, as she immediately turned more pale.
I grumbled something unintelligible in French and passed out again.
The sound of engines woke up. I was still in the fold out chair that Élliot had placed me in. I felt my side, wincing as it stabbed in response.
Aaliyah blinked at me, kneeling by my chair. Her brown eyes were wide as she watched me.
"Hello little one," I mumbled, ruffling her black hair.
I looked up as a Berg soared overhead, carrying a large, almost shipping container. Slowly, it lowered to the ground, creating cheers from the Right Arm.
"Help me up," I reached for Élliot, letting him help me out of the chair.
He helped me get my arm over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around my waist. It would look very strange to anyone who was watching but the pain meant I was beyond caring.
I noticed Alex get down from the top of the crate, landing gracefully in the ground. Felix darted up to him immediately, whispering something. Alex's eyes immediately ran over the people, landing on me. He tensed, waiting for his father to join him. Vince whipped his head to stare at me.
I lifted a hand and waved slightly. The people parted for me, allowing me to stop a few metres from them.
"Howdy," I said, wincing as my side protested.
"Wraith," Alex finally said, "What can we do for you?"
I sighed tiredly, "It's Y/n."
Alex snorted, rolling his eyes. "You think we'll fall for that twice?"
I blinked at him, "When was this?"
"Two or three weeks ago?" Alex prompted, looking at me expectantly.
I stared back blankly. "I don't remember."
"Why is your arm like that?" Vince asked, staring at it.
I sighed, "A long story I'm sure you aren't interested in hearing."
Vince squinted at the air, "There's no one there, unless you're hiding them with your illusions?"
"No illusions," I said.
Alex rubbed at his face. He'd lost weight and a lot of it. His cheeks were hollow. Bruises marked the skin under his eyes, making him look sick and older. His usually bright green eyes were dull and without their usual spark.
"I know I sound crazy," I said gently, "but it's the truth."
"Let's move on," Vince said, rubbing his son's shoulder. "Is there something you want, Wraith?"
"Y/n," I corrected. "Well, I'm clearly bleeding to death, so I supposed I could use some healing if Alex would be so kind. And food, I'm literally starving. All I've eaten for weeks and weeks are old radishes. They're so disgusting. I will cry, if I so much as see another one."
Alex groaned and moved forward to help me. He brought the edge of my shirt up and removed the bandage.
He paused, staring at the wound.
"What did this?" he asked, starting to heal it.
"A boy who could create monsters. Chased me all over the Scorch," I whimpered as he poked it. "Ow!"
"Sorry," he said unapologetically.
"What were you doing in the Scorch?" Vince asked, watching his son seal the damaged skin back together.
"Got captured by Wicked again," I explained, wincing and gritting my teeth. "They threw me back in the Maze."
"You were back in the Maze?" Newt asked, staring at me.
I flinched, I hadn't noticed him or my other old friends come over. He looked different now, a bit older. He looked good. My traitorous heart gave a lurch at the concerned expression displayed so clearly on his face.
I swallowed, nodding. "Well, mainly the Glade. They sealed the walls shut so I couldn't get out."
"That's where you got the radishes?" Frypan asked.
I let out a wail, "Don't mention them, please."
Everyone looked taken aback at that. That was certainly not something the Wraith would say.
"Done," Alex announced, stepping back and wiping the blood on his hands.
I ran my hand over my stomach, feeling the smooth skin.
"Thank you," I said quietly, noting the way he wouldn't even look at my face.
"Wait," he said, catching sight of Lillian's locket. "Where did you get that?"
"Long story," I said shortly. I turned my attention to the giant crate. "Need help opening that?"

1400 words

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