Chapter 66-The Wraith

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Warnings: blood, murder, Y/n is kinda suicidal, lots of death

57 days after his death

I woke up in a dark street. I blinked and sat up. The first thing I noticed was one of the messages I wrote months ago in red spray paint. 'Cold,' it said in code.

My head throbbed with stabbing pain that made me want to lay back down here and die. I looked away and reached up to touch my head. My hand felt sticky with something. I moved my hand away and in the dull light I noticed it dark with blood.

Not again.

My clothes were not the clothes I'd gone to sleep in, but pants and a shirt were drenched in blood. I forced myself to get up and figure out where I was.

Thankfully, I wasn't too far from the place where the Corrupt lived. I stumbled my way to the wall but avoided the gate. I floated over the wall and landed quietly on the grass.

I felt drained.

I wouldn't be able to use my abilities for the next couple days. I quietly crept through the building to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited for the elevator to come down. It finally did and I got in. I could see myself in the mirror of the elevator. I was completely drenched in dark red blood from head to toe. My reflection smirked at me and I looked away.

"Leave me alone," I said to the empty room.

"Don't you want to tell you where you've been and what you've done?" The reflection asked me.

Stupid Wraith. She was manipulating illusions.

"Funny enough, I don't," I snapped. "Leave me alone."

"Or what?"

I ignored her.

"Or what?" she asked again. "You can't do anything."

I said a rude version of go away. The elevator door opened and I went back to my room. I paused as I saw Élliot asleep on my couch. I quietly dug through my draws for fresh clothes and went to shower. The water turned red as I washed the blood off me and watched it run down the drain. When I was sure I had scrubbed every droplet of blood from me, I rinsed my clothes of the blood and wrung them out. I got changed into fresh clothes.

Élliot was awake by the time I left the bathroom. He got up and crossed the room. He stood in front of me for a moment and then moved forward to hug me. I broke down and we sank to the floor. I cried until I passed out.

58 days after his death

I woke up in Élliot's arms. I stretched and looked at Élliot. He was already awake and looked at me when I moved. I had been lying on his chest, I moved up slightly so I could be closer to his head. He rolled onto the side and wrapped an arm around me, tucking me under his chin.

Someone barged into the room.

"Yo, boss," Kei said, "Quit moping-oh, she's back."

I raised my head to glare at him. "Get lost."

"Nah, when did you get back?"

"Last night, those idiots triggered another episode. How long was I gone?"

"Ten days," Kei answered. He flung open the curtains, making me squint in the light. "Scared Élliot half to death and he came rambling about you'd vanished overnight. He went looking for you but couldn't find you."

I looked at Élliot. He didn't meet my eyes.

"How long until breakfast?"

"About ten minutes, Bella's gonna kill you!" Kei yelled as he raced out.

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