Chapter 10-Jealousy

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Trigger warnings: jealousy, harassment?

Newt had to help Alby a lot that week. I barely saw him during the day and he came to bed late and got up early. I missed him. I got up from where I was tending to the plants and wiped my forehead with my sleeve. It was past the end of the work part of the day but I was focused and kept working until I was satisfied. Plus it offered me a distraction from missing my boyfriend. I heard someone come up to me and my heart leaped as I hoped it was Newt. I turned and was disappointed to see it was Nolan. The boy who had tried to make a move at the last bonfire.

"What do you want?" I asked in a tone I hoped suggested he should go away as soon as possible.

"I think we had a bad start. So, how about we start over?" He tried to give me a smile but it looked creepy.

"No and leave me alone," I snapped.

He took a step towards me and grabbed my wrist. I glared at his hand.

"Give me a chance, please Y/n," he begged. "I'll make you happy, you'll have a good time."

"Ew, let go," I demanded and tried to pull my arm loose. Nolan suddenly paled and his eyes watched something behind me. He dropped my arm as if it burnt him.

Minho slung his arm over my shoulder. Relief flooded through me.

"Nolan, here to help out in the garden are you?" Minho asked and glared at him.

"N-no, sorry I'll just be going," Nolan hurried off.

"Ugh, he's so gross," I complained to Minho.

"If he tries that stunt again, tell me and I'll get Newt and some of my runner buddies to beat him up."

"Thanks, Min Min," he swatted me lightly at the nickname.

"Where's Newt? He's usually close enough to appear within a second if there's a boy within ten or so metres."

"Alby's had Newt helping him for the past couple days," I explained.

"Come on, let's get dinner," Minho led to the tables and we ate together. He somehow managed to make me laugh much more than I had over the past couple days.

After dinner I gave Minho a hug and went back to the Homestead to get some sleep. I'd just finished changing when Newt barged in making me jump.

"Don't do that! You scared me," I stopped talking once I saw his expression, pained but also angry. "Newt?"

"What was that?" He asked.

"What was what?" I frowned and moved a little closer to him.

"With Nolan!" He burst out.

"He came up to me and tried to convince me to leave you again. He was all gross about it too," I was about to say more but he cut me off.

"You let him hold your wrist!"

"No? I tried to get him to let go but he wouldn't until Minho came up to me."

"Minho," Newt repeated.


"I saw you and him tonight, laughing, you were looking at him in a way," Newt's hands were balled up at his side and I worried that his fingernails were digging into his hands.

"He's like a brother to me," I argued. "I've never seen him as anything more than that. I've only ever had eyes for you. You know this," I moved a little closer to him, "Newt, what's going on?"

Newt didn't speak, he looked away.

"Newt..." I slowly moved towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him down. He hesitantly leaned into me. He broke down and wrapped his arms around me tightly, his face buried in my neck.

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