Chapter 2-The Bonfire

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Trigger warnings: Drinking, fighting

Newt and Winston talked for a bit longer before Newt started heading back towards the gardens. I walked quickly to catch up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Well, since the tour is done I'm going back to work," he replied.

"I'm coming with you."

"Why? There's other boys you can go to bother."

"I want to bother you Newtie," I said sweetly.


We walked in silence back to the gardens. I glanced over and noticed two boys leaving the maze. I pointed them out to Newt.

"Are they runners?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that's Minho and Ben," Newt responded as we reached the gardens.

"What do I do?" I asked him, unsure how to help.

"Pull out the weeds over there he gestured to the garden bed," Newt told me. I started pulling out the weeds and Newt began trimming one of the vines near me. After a while Ben and Minho came up to us.

"Alby was telling the truth! It is a girl!" One boy said. He had an Asian appearance. The other boy had dirty blonde hair and pale skin.

"Hi," I say and stand up from the ground, wiping the dirt from my hands.

"I'm Minho, this is Ben," said Minho.

"Y/n," I replied.

Newt came up to us, "Anything new?"

"Na, same old stuff," Ben replied and shot a look at Minho. "I'm gonna go to the map hut, you coming?"

Minho nodded and they ran off. "See ya shanks," He called over his shoulder.

"Shanks," I said, testing the weird word.

"Means a person, it's similar to calling someone an idiot I guess," Newt explained

We worked for what felt like hours until I noticed some of the boys were putting branches onto a pile over on the other side of the Glade.

"What are they doing?" I asked and pointed them out for Newt.

"Every month when we get a new greenie we celebrate their arrival with a bonfire."

"Will there be food?" I asked, noticing how hungry I was starting to get.

"Yes, there will be food."


It didn't take much longer for the sun to slip below the walls and for it to get dark and we headed over to the bonfire where all the other boys had gathered. I stayed near Newt as I didn't know who the others were. Newt picked up on my discomfort and introduced the boys to me. Minho and Ben made me laugh and we talked for a while to get to know each other. I met Frypan who with the help of some of the other boys had cooked the food, I thanked him for the food. After a while Alby came up to me, we talked for a bit but shouts interrupted the conversation. Gally was fighting one of the other builders while the others cheered either of them on.

"What are they doing?" I asked Alby.

"They do this every bonfire, don't worry we have Clint and Jeff if someone gets hurt."

I wasn't reassured by that as Clint and Jeff were drinking from the strange drink that Gally had supposedly created. I had taken a sip earlier but nearly had to spit it out as it burned my throat and tasted weird. Alby wandered over to the fight circle to "supervise" the boys but really was just cheering either side on. I followed him and watched from the outside of the fight circle. Gally won the fight and looked around before his eyes landed on me.

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