Chapter 90-Heaven?

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Warnings: kissing, fighting, blood

I slowly opened my eyes, the bright light made me wince. I turned my head to get a look around. Lillian sat next to me, drawing something. I blinked at her for a moment. Was I dead? Was she dead? Her locker hung around her neck again.
“Lil?” I asked, voice croaky from disuse.
Lillian looked up from her drawing and threw herself at me. I made a sound as she landed heavily on me.
“What happened? Am I dead?” I asked, holding her.
“No,” Lillian said and lay there quietly.
We laid there for several silent moments before Lillian got up.
“The others will wanna see you,” Lillian helped me up.
I noticed I was wearing different clothes. Élliot’s jacket hung over a nearby chair. The room spun for a moment as I stood up, Lillian steadied me. She handed me the jacket and I slid it back on.
She helped me out of the hut. I squinted in the bright sunlight for a moment until my eyes adjusted.
We were on a beach. Seagulls squawked overhead, drifting above us in the gentle wind. Huts and other buildings lined the grassy area a short distance away from the sand. Green trees and plants covered everything. I stared at it all.
“Are you sure we’re not dead?” I asked.
“Yes,” Lillian laughed.
She helped me walk past the gardens, I noticed Vince and Sonya working in them. They started coming over. My eyes settled on my brother. Alex nudged him and he turned to look. His face broke into a grin and he rushed over to hug me. He picked me up.
“Careful!” Lillian scolded him.
Nikolai set me down and hugged me tightly. With my hand, I pulled Lillian in to join the hug. After a moment, they let go. I glared at Nikolai and then kicked him hard in the shin. He yelped and hopped, grabbing his leg.
“What was that for?” he demanded, Alex laughed at him and hugged me.
“For getting yourself possessed twice!” I answered.
I went to use my ability to knock him away but nothing happened. I had forgotten. Nikolai looked at me apologetically.
“Y/n!” Archie yelled and I looked to see him and Aaliyah running towards us.
I bent down to scoop up Aaliyah and hug Archie.
“Hi,” I said.
“Hi,” Aaliyah replied quietly. I beamed at her in surprise.
“She’s been talking a little, I convinced her,” Archie said proudly. I smiled at him.
“Y/n,” said Vince. I gave him a hug, too.
Ember came over and she stared at me for a moment.
“My father’s dead?” she asked.
“Yes,” I answered.
“Thank you,” she said awkwardly and walked off.
It wasn’t much, but it was a start.
I looked up to see Thomas, Fry, Gally, and Minho coming over.
I put Aaliyah down and gave each of them a hug.
“So he’s…uh,” I broke off before I could say the words.
They all looked past me. Someone touched my shoulder. I turned around.
Perfectly healthy and smiling at me. I threw myself into his arms and buried my face. Newt laughed and held on to me just as tightly. After a moment, I broke away to look at his face. I pulled him down and kissed him hard. Nikolai said something, but someone swatted him. Probably Alex. I broke the kiss after a moment and wiped the happy tears from my face.
“I don’t understand. How are you…how am I still…” I trailed off and hugged him again.
“That’s a story and a half,” Nikolai said.

Lillian’s POV
Days ago

A shout caught my attention. Nikolai and Alex came running towards us. Alex reached us just as Newt collapsed. Alex caught him and ripped the knife out before beginning to heal him. The wound sealed itself, Newt choked on blood. Nikolai handed Alex the serum and came over to me. I threw my arms around him. Nikolai picked me up easily and turned back to watch the others. Thomas stood next to us, watching. I risked a glance, Newt had his eyes closed.
“Is he…”
“Sleeping,” Alex answered. “I healed the stab wound and gave him the serum. He’ll be alright.”
“Until we run out of serum,” Thomas sighed, “I need to go find Teresa.”
“You think she was telling the truth?” Nikolai asked.
“I have to take the chance and save Newt,” Thomas decided.
“We’ll come with you,” Alex said, looking at Nikolai. He nodded.
“What about Newt? No offence, Lillian, but you’re small,” Thomas shot me an apologetic glance.
Brenda came running towards us, she saw Newt and stopped.
“He’s fine!” Alex called. She came over. “We got here just in time.”
“Thank goodness,” she sighed.
Minho and Frypan came running towards us. They had the same reaction. Alex repeated what he said.
“Come on,” Thomas said, looking at my brother and Alex.
“Where are you going?” Brenda asked.
“I’ll explain,” I answered.
“Who’s this?” Brenda asked.
“My little sister,” Nikolai said, putting me down.
He hugged me tightly before going off with the other two.

Nikolai’s POV
We made it to the Wicked building. Ava Paige was waiting for us.
“Celia,” I said suddenly.
She looked at me. “She's still in the nursery.”
“We have to get her,” I said to Alex.
“Who’s Celia?” Alex asked, I dragged him off.
“She won’t kill you!” I yelled to Thomas, who stared after me bewildered.
We ran up the stairs as the elevator wasn’t working.
“Who’s Celia?” Alex demanded as we climbed the stairs.
“My niece, Coralie’s kid,” I explained.
We continued climbing the stairs slower as I was getting tired.
“Y/n’s gonna beat you up for getting possessed again,” Alex told me and then swore. He stopped, and I did too.
“Y/n, the Wraith’s gonna take full control at midnight and begin her plan of world domination.”
“World domination?”
“She had a change of heart after you died,” Alex explained.
Something rocked the building and I stumbled against Alex. He gripped me tightly.
“Well, that’s not good,” I said. Alex stared at me and then kissed me. I wound my fingers through his hair and kissed him back for a couple seconds. I broke the kiss and started pulling him up the stairs.
“Later!” I wrapped my hand in his.

We reached the nursery, and the building was burning now. I worried about Thomas. I opened the door and rushed inside, Celia cried from her cot. I stopped her up and rocked her a little, singing a song my mother used to sing. Alex watched me for a moment.
“Can you grab Lil’s bag of art stuff?” I tilted my head towards it.
Alex grabbed it and we exited the room. The baby had stopped crying now. We slowly and carefully made our way through the building. The stairs were burning now. We turned a corner and found a body. Ratman had a dagger sticking out of his head.
“Well, that says Y/n,” I said.
“Come on,” Alex said, he shielded us from the fire and we made our way down the corridor. Blood trailed the floor. Was it Y/n’s?
Something slammed into the building again. Alex shielded us as fire surged down the corridor. Celia screamed. With my free arm, I exploded the ceiling above us and levitated us up a floor. I could sense someone on the top floor. A familiar person. Y/n. I got us up a couple more floors before the building started to collapse. I felt Y/n fall. We were close enough that I could use my ability to float her to us. She had burns everywhere, her eyes were closed.

Newt POV
I was on the floor of the Berg. Y/n and Tommy were apparently on top of the Wicked building. I saw them pull Tommy up. I was still in a lot of pain even with the serum they’d administered. They were screaming stuff, I was too out of it to hear most of it but I heard Lillian.
Silence. A moment later, Lillian came and sat next to me. I couldn’t see her face.
“Where is she?” I managed to get the words out. She turned her head, tears steadily streaming down her face.
“Where is she?” I asked again, I struggled to sit up. Everyone was silent, either looking at me or down outside. Vince got up and backed away from the edge, forcing others to do the same. He looked at me.
“I’m sorry, Newt,” he said quietly.
“No,” I sobbed, I felt like I’d been stabbed again.
Someone shouted, and I turned to look. Nikolai levitated himself and three people up into the Berg. Alex looked bewildered as he clung on to Nikolai, bag gripped in one hand. In one arm, Nikolai held a crying baby. His other arm was wrapped around Y/n. He kept her upright with his ability until he floated them into the Berg. His knees gave way, Alex softened his fall, making sure he didn’t drop the baby. Y/n immediately collapsed. Minho caught her and set her down on the ground. Lillian rushed forward to her sister's side.
Together, Minho and Vince moved her over next to me. I rolled on my side to look at her. She was unconscious, burns stood out starkly against her skin. I reached over to feel her neck, my fingers found her pulse fluttering weakly. Relief flooded me. Alex was kneeling next to Thomas, I realised he’d been hurt, too. Alex got up, hands wet with blood and made his way over to Y/n. He set to work healing the burns.
“She’ll be scarred,” Alex said as he worked.
“Doesn’t matter,” I choked out and brushed some of her hair out of her face. “She’s alive.”

1650 words

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