chapter 1

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The limosine stopped at the big stripper club.The alpha mafia boss and his men get off the car.He wore black suit pants,white button up shirt,black suit jacket and white mask with  smiley on it,he just wants get over with this.
They were now standing infront of the doors to the club and next to the doors was to bodyguards.
"and who to you think you are"
the guy on the left says.
"who i am?I'm Dream taken and they are my mans."
the mafia boss says while grin grows on his face.
"oh shit i'm so sorry sir"
"it's okay just remember don't do that ever again or we are having little talk"
Dreams pov(quick)
i was now sitting on big white sofa waiting for mr.smith to come and talk about our deal.My mans were standing behind me in case if someone trys to hurt me.
"Karl!Do you know who they are?"small brunet asks his friend who was siting next to him.
"Oh come on George thats like the biggest mafia team of all time!His friend yells at him before his shift starts again and he have to go.Leaving the brunet alone.
George just sits there and stares at his own boss walking torwards the mafia boss who name was Dream was taken?        that's a stupid name..
George thinks to him self
this was small chapter because i'm too tired to ride more.hope you understand my writing because again i don't have best english but i'm good i got like 9+(B+)from english :3

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