chapter 8

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i woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Dream was sleeping on the sofa next to me,i saw that he was uncomfortable trying to fall asleep on that sofa.

"Dream are you awake?"i ask

"yeah.. do you need something?"he says and turns around to look at me.

"Dream.. come sleep on the bed, you are uncomfortable sleeping on that sofa"i say.

"Okay okay i will come"Dream says and get up from the sofa.
i was just about to fall asleep but i felt Dream  pulling me closer to his chest.

"Dream?..."i whisper

i just heard snores from the male alpha
so i just tried to go sleep and and it was 7 minutes  later i fell asleep.(i can't💀)


i wake up and hear that George is in shower and is yelling at me to pick my phone witch is ringing.i pick up the phone and look who is calling




"chill i'm at my room and i was asleep"

"okay but we have georges stuff do you want to come get these or should we get these to your room?"

"get the stuff infront of my door and i will take care of it"

"okay but remember bad is coming over today and REMEMBER to ask george to the dinner with us"

"yeah yeah i will do that"

"good see you soon"

i end the call and look at the door to the bathroom.i got up from the bed and started to walk over to the bathroom door.
I knock on the door and wait for answer.

"Yeah?"i hear George say.

"Can i come in?"i ask.

"why would you need to come here while i'm showering and changing?"he asks.

"ugh just let me in"i tell him


"George open the door now"i say .

"okay wait please?"i say

"Okay just wait i want to change."he says


*Door opens*

"So what did you want to talk about?"he says.

"Well sapnap and karl wanted us to go dinner with us."i tell him

"Oh sure when?"he asks

"tommorrow at 5.30pm"

"Sure it's not like i would have something better to do"

"Yeah.. but i want you to meet my maid she is so nice i promise"


"And i forgot to tell you that your stuff is here behind the door."

"YAYYYYYY"george says before runs to the door and opens it.

"Oh my god luca!"he yells then goes down to open the little kittens little door so the cat can come out of the cage.

"miau miau miau"the cats says and purrs on georges lap.

"I missed you luca"george says with his baby voice.

"What was that voice"i say trying not to laugh.

"this is how i talk to luca deal with it"he snaps at me.

"okay chill lets get your stuff inside the room and then we can go to breakfast."i tell him.



i'm too sick and too tured to do more this chapter for now:,) but don't worry i will try make new chapter in 1-4 days

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