chapter 22

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i was watching
the cartoon peter pan with karl in the living room when ranboo,tubbo and tommy came in the room.

"Heyyy george and karl"ranboo said sounding little nervous.

"Oh hey guys do you need anything"i asked looking behind me at them.

"We wanted to ask if you guys are down to go drink wine on the beach near this mansion.

"Where would you find wine the wine shop is closet today."karl said.

"well we thought that george would go get some of dream's wine"tommy said.

"so you want me to get dream's special wine that no one can touch?"i said.

"You are his boyfriend! if we just said that you this was your idea he won't get mad"tubbo now said.

"And then no one would get in trouble?"i said.

"yeah! would it be perfect!"tommy said.

"I'm down you karl?"i said looking at karl.

"long as we will come back alive"he said smiling.

"YEAHHH!"tommy yelled.

"i will go get the wine now"i said

"i will go get the car started"ranboo said before walking torwards the front door.


"lets go to the beach now!"tubbo yelled after i got in the car.

"Okay then"ranboo said while starting the car.

"let's listen juliet by cavetown"karl said.

"Yess"ranboo said.

"That's my favorite!"tubbo said.

"what the fuck is cavetown?"tommy asked in his british voice.

we all strated laughing and tommy just sat there confused why we are laughing
"Annnnd we are here!"ranboo said stopping the car.

"Finally some good wine that we can drink!"tommy said walking torwards this little beach play ground.

"Tommy wait for meeeee"tubbo said running torwards tommy who was now running away from tubbo

"how do you put up with those two?"karl asked laughing at ranboo.

"I don't really know if i think about it"he said smiling while looking at the two idiots fighting on the sand.

"Okay hey george you know what?"karl said looking at me now.

"yes?"i said looking at him.

"WHO IS LAST AT THE SLIDE IS ROTTEN EGG!"he yelled before starting to run.

"oh we play this game?"i said before i transformed to my wolf and started running.i was really fast so i won the game.

"You cheated!"karl said panting for breath.

"No, you didn't say that i couldn't transform to my wolf and race."i said transforming back to my human form.

"Oh fuck you"he said walking way torwards tubbo and tommy who were drinking the wine now.

"Will you drink?"i asked looking at ranboo.

"No someone has to drive all of us home so i won't"he said.

"Okay then"
DREAM's pov

"niki where is george?"i asked.

"Oh he went out with tommy,tubbo,ranboo and karl"she said.

"Where did they go it's for fucks sake 11pm"i said.

"I think to the beach where is the play ground"she said.

"Okay i will go check on them"i said grapping the car keys.

there is the car that tommy,tubbo and ranboo uses.i thought to myself.
i looked inside the car and saw george's phone there.

"He really left his phone inside the car?"i said to myself.
i walked torwards the playground where i heard laughter.

"Dream what are you doing here?".tommy asked lookign at me trying to hide some wine bottles that they have.

"tommy pass me one bottle"i said sitting down next to george.

"Okay big man"he said giving me a bottle and i took large sip of it.

"how was your day dream?"george asked me.

"Nothing much just work we are trying to think a plan but you don't have to know more about it."i said knowing if i tell him the whole plan he would be in danger.

"Okay if you say so, wanna play truth or dare?"he asked.

"Sure i don't have anything else to do this night.

"Okay i start! karl truth or dare?"tubbo asked looking at karl.

"Truth" karl answered.

"Do you have crush on anybody in the mansion?"tubbo said with smirk on his face.

"Ugh tubbo!"karl said blushing.

"is it sapnap?"i whispered to george.

"I won't tell you"he whispered back.

"Come on i'm your boyfriend"i whispered.

"And? karl is my BEST FRIEND"he said little louder.

"You know guys whispering is rude?" karl said.

"Oh sorry"i said

"we now know that karl has a crush on someone in the mansion"ranboo said.

"Okay george truth or dare?"karl asked.

"Dare i guess?"george said.

"I dare you to give me your phone and let me go throught your messages."karl said.

"Okay.. wait where is my phone?"george asked.

"you left it in the car i saw it when i was coming"i said looking at him.

"Ah shit" he said.

"Umn guys?"ranboo said looking at his phone.

"What it is ranboo?"i asked looking at him.

"Sapnap needs us right now"ranboo said.

"We have to go fast!"tommy yelled grtting up.

"Yeah! let's go!"tubbo said.


"george come with me"dream said.

"Is everything okay"i asked.

"Yeah i just want to be with you right now"dream said.

"Awww dreamy missed me"i said in teasing tone.

"No i just want to keep you safe"he said.

"okay okay let's go"i said running torward dream's car.

i was waiting in mine and dream's room for dream, he was in a meeting with the gang i was little scared what will happen that's when dream camr in the room.

"is everything okay?"i asked.

"Yeah sapnap just found some information about our mission that we will have in like 2 weeks"dream said.

"Well will you come now sleep with me"i said.

"Ofcourse i will i just will go take shower"he said before leaving.

i still can't belive that i'm dating the mafia boss! i thought to myself while blushing thinking about dream.
nothing to say today:)

words 1020

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