chapter 2

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Tw mention of suicide
dreams pov
"So should we talk about the deal"Mr smith asks.
"yes i would like that"he says trying to act nice.
"Okay great i will bring the drugs here in sunday morning(we are in wednesday)"
"okay that sounds great!"
Dream gets up and was about to walk away to find his mans who had left.

"where are you going?"

"I have work to do at home so i have to go"i said.

"oh fuck work go get i drink and maybe i could get some of my strippers yo give you company tonight"mr smith said.

"drink sounds good"i said before walking torwards the bar.

"Can i have two large vodkas?"i asked.

"Sure! George make to large vodkas!"the brunette said.

"you can go sit down the drinks will shortly come!"the guy said with big smile on his face.

"thank you"i said before walking on the small sofa and right infront of the sofa was small glass tabel.


"George go give mr dream his drinks"karl said.

"Why i have to!?"i said angry because my break will start.

"Because i have other things to do now!"he said.

"Fine but only this time!"i said,fucking bitch now i have to take care of this bar because karl has *OtHeR ThInGs To Do*.

"Here's your drinks sir"i said smiling at this DrEaM yes i was little annoyed right now.

"Is everything okay?"he asked.

"what? oh yeah everything is fine"i said little confused why he is asking?

"Okay you just looked little pissed wanna talk about it?"he said.

"Why do you care?"i said

"I really don't know.. wanna join drink with me?" he asked.

"I don't know my boss will get mad at me if i don't take care of the bar while karl is out there doing something"i said.

"Mr smith don't mind if you are with me i promise"he said.

"if you say so i said before sitting down next to him.

"So is karl your friend?"he asked.

"Yeah we have known since i started working here"i said.

"And when did you start working here?"he asked before taking a sip out of the vodka.

"About 9 years ago?"i said.

"And how old are you now?"he asked.

"26"i said knowing he will start asking why i started working at strip club at the age of 17.

"17 is a bit young you know?"he said.

"Yeah i know but i didn't have choice"i said i have drank like half of the large vodka and was little drunk.

"How so?"

"my dad was alcoholic and very abuse torwards my mom and when my mom commited suicide i ran away because i only lives there to be with her.."i said in quiet voice.

i started crying

"Oh my god i'm so sorry for asking"this dream guy said hugging him.
what i was doing comforting some guy i just met? but he was different.. i don't

know what makes me to like him .

"It's okay it been 9 years i should move on"he said.

"it's ok to miss someone you know?"i said smiling down at him.

"You are right.."

"I'm sorry but i have to go"i said getting up. do you need ride?"i said.

"Sure my shift ended like two hours ago"he said smiling. oh my god he is so cute! wait no stop thinking that he is cute you just met him! i thought to my self.

"Okay let's go"


will he kidnap me? nahh he won't i thought to my self. he looks so hot even if i haven't seen his face but his tattoos that can been seen on his neck!(yk what i mean😭?)

"Here get inside"he said opening the door for me"


"So where do you live?"he asked.

"my address is __________________"i said.

"Okay i will drive you there"he said.

"Thank you again dream"i said.

"No problem ehh what was your name again?"he asked.


"well it was nice meeting you george here is my phone number if you need me"he said giving piece of paper to me.

"you can join me to my aparment we can drink coffee and talk more"i offered.

"I would love that but i really have to go"he said.

"Oh okay no worries"

"Bye george"

"Bye.. Dream"i said looking at the pievce of paper

here's my phone number:)

i changed this chapter because i didn't really like the original version lmao so i changed

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