chapter 19

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"oh hello mr smith you came early"i said.

"yeah we had to close the club little sooner so i thought why not come here now? our meeting starts in 10minutes"mr smith says.

" we can start the meeting now"i said.

"Good good"

"sapnap could you leave this room for a while?"i said looking at sapnap.

"yes dream"he said before leaving the room and closing the door.

"so how have you been?"mr smith asked.

"Good just work and work"i said

"have you been treating george right?"he said in serious tone.

"Ofcourse why wouldn't i?"i said.

"George is really special guy i just don't want him to get hury you know?"he said.

"Yeah.. he has been in lot of shit in the past.."i said remembering the day when he told what happend he had to go threw.

"But about the thing"mr smith said, i knew he didn't want to talk about georges past.

"yeah so i want you to talk to mr s and try to make him to come to your club and then my gang will get him"i said.

"And what i get from it?"he asked.

"4milion? is that good?"i said.

"5milion sounds good"he said.

"Deal and if you get hurt we will give you and your family 8milion dollars"i said.

"thank you"mr smith said.

(it's been now like 1 hours)

"No problem say hello to your wife and kids from me"i said smiling.

"i will"he said before leaving the room.
i was looking thought my emails when there was knock on my office door.

"come in!"i yelled.

"hey dream are you taking me to the club?"george asked from the door.

"Oh shit george.. i'm sorry but i have other meeting in 45minutes"i said in sad tone.

"But you promised!"he said.

"i know but... ugh i'm a mafia boss george i have to do work!"i said in louder tone witch scared george.

"Then you shouldn't make promises that you can't keep!"he yelled.

"I'm sorry george maybe tommorrow?"i said and he answered by slapping me on the cheek and slamming then the door shut and yelled behind the door "FUCK YOU"

"i deserved that"i whispered to my self while closing my laptop.
i headed to the door and started walking torwards mine and george's room to change.

i was fake sleeping so i didn't have to face dream. like why would he promise something to me and then broke the promise?! why this happends everytime to me!? people promise to be with me and never hurt me and then they would hurt me and leave me!i thought.

"George?"i heard dream say.

i didn't say anythind i just faked being in sleep.

"Oh you are sleeping... well goodnight george"i heard dream whisper before kissing me on the cheek.
i was now again alone patches and luna are with karl and wilbur in bad's mansion to have some time with other people and because i maybe be allergic to patches or luna we don't know but i still get allegic reactions it's maybe because of the cat's hair that there is around this mansion.

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