20 chapter

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chapter 20
i been really late wake so i can make these chapter like when i started writing this chapter it was 1AM and i'm not tired because i stare at phone screen:,) i nowadays woke up in 9-11AM and i get like 5-7hours of sleep witch is bad because my aged girl should sleep 8+ hours i think so.


i was walking torwards the elevator to get some food from the kitchen and it was 4 AM so i had to be really quiet.
i was in the kitchen now making pancakes for my self when i heard yelling from the room where dream said i wasn't allowed to go.

"Listen dream we can make this simple"i heard some man's voice say.

"Okay what's the deal then?"i heard now dream say.

"you will give ne that slutty omega of your and i will give you the money what you need" the guy said.

i felt my heart stop for an minute, would he take that offer? what if he agrees? will i have to leave with this dude that i haven't never met? i was now right next to the door listening.

"No i sill get the money with out your help,get out!"i heard dream yell.

"What!? you can't do that!"i heard the man yell.

"Oh yes i can do now get out of my house!"dream yelled and i think i heard some thing break like a glass?

"You will reget this mr was taken the guy said. i
fast got behind one of the biggest plants that this mansion has.i sae dream and older looking man walking torwards the front door.

"it was nicr seeing you"i heard dream say.

"Whatever"the other man daif before going outsidr and dream closed the door behind him.

"you can come out now george."i heard dream call.

"How did you know that i was here?"i said confused.

"easy i saw your tail behind the plant"He said smirking.

"i need to get better at hiding then"i said laughing.

"I don't thinks so but anyways should we go sleep now?"he said.

"Yeah let's go it's 5 AM"i said quickly turning around and walking torwards the elevator

dream just laughed and started following behind me.

"So how much did you hear"dream adkrf me in the elevator.

"pretty much sll the yelling.."i said quietly.

"Listen i would never sell you to anyone, you are my word right now"dream said before kissing me.
he pushed me against the elevators wall.i pushed him little of me and said "not here dream it's 5 AM i'm tired too."

"Yeah sorry"dream said.

"Don't sorry me let's goo i'm tired"i said pulling dream to walk faster.

"Do you want pack pack ride?"
(i don't know what the fuck you call it in US or UK but if you translate it from my language it is pack pack ride i think so:,])

"Yes pleasee"i said dream got down on one knee so i can jump on his back.

"Ready?"he asked.

"Yeah!"i said happily.


i was in the shower thinking what the fuck will i do? i need 20 milion dollars in fucking 3 months!
i got out of the shower and i putted a towel around my waist then i walked oit of the bathroom

"You are finally done"george said to me from the bed he was in.

"yesh yesh one minute i need to put some close on"i said.

"Well do it fast!"he said before i got in the closet that we shared.
"i'm now ready"i said coming out of the closet.

"Finally now we can go to sleep" george said getting more comfortable in the bed.

" you know you can go sleep without me"i said laughing.

"Nope i can't sleep without my idiot"george said.

i just smiled before getting in the bed with george.

"Good night george"i whispered in his ear.

"Good night idiot"he said.

??? POV

"sit Dream has the guy George now living in his mansion but nothing else has happened in the mansion that i heard or saw"i said

"Well snoop some fucking more then! i'm not paying you for just some guys name that dream problaby fucks!"

"ofcourse sir i will do better i promise"i said knowing he doesn't even pay me.

"Good while going to your room get the guy from basement here i want to talk to him little.."

"yes sir i will come back in a minute"i said walking out of his office.

i was fucking scared of this man.. he has my family and if i don't do the work he tells me done he will hurt them and i don't want that to happen. i thought while walking torwards the basement.
i was about to open the door when i realized i had to put my mask on that i had made to keep my face hiden so no one will snitch on me.
i opened the door in to the basement.

"Please let me go! My family is waiting for me!"skeppy said to me.

"i'm sorry but i can't do that i got an order to get you to his office, i really don't want to do this.."i said knowing he might not make it..

"P-please no he will kill me! i have husband and son waiting for me! just please.. let me go"he begged me.

"I'm sorry.."i said before pulling him to the office and getting him inside then i left him alone with that monster that i made deal with so i can have my family...
will skeppy be alright? who is this guy? well you will never find out👹👹👹👹 i will take like a week brake from publishing new chapter i will write but not publish:) but don't worry i love skeppy too much😫 have good day/night:) BYEEEEE
words 1009

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