chapter 4

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i have school in 30minutes so i try to make this chapter before i leave

i woke up feeling warm around me and no it wasn't my blanket,then i felt hot breathing on my neck.i look behind me and saw Dream was sleeping right next to me.


"hmm?"i hear Dream says with his deep morning voice

"What are you doing in my bed?"

"i thought you just last night wanted me here so i stayed?"he said.
i forgot that dream was wearing mask when he first time met george and they kissed so let's think that dream didn't wear the mask in the vip rooms pls:,)
"you know you didn't have to stay i know you have a job to do"i said

"yeah but i have to go like you said i have job to do"Dream tells me and gets up.


i was now waiting for karl to pick me up so we can go togeter to work.Thats when i hear honk right next to me.

"Karl!"i yell

"haha come on we have work to do and i don't want to be late!"

"okay okay lets just go"i say and close the car  door.

"what music do you want to listen?"

"shut up and drive made by rihanna!"i say

"i wanted to listen  cavetown..."

"oh come on lets listen now shut up and drive by rihanna!!"

"okay okay"
(you know how it goes>:3)

"finaly we are here"karl says.



me and karl ran inside of the club and in the dressing rooms.We put our outfits on and walked torwards the bar.where we signed when we we started our shift.

Karl took some drinks and walked away and i just sat there thinking what the mafia boss is doing..
"please let me go i-i will give you the money just let le go"some dude told me

"Look i gave you 5 weeks to give me MY money back and it's been FUCKING 3MONTHS ARE YOU FUCKING DUM YOU TRIED TO RUN AWAY FROM ME!"

"i'm so-sorry i i was scared"

"OH SHUT HE FUCK UP"i yell and then shot the guy on the head.

"clean that shit now."i say

"yes boss"quackity says

i needed to clear my head off i just lost 10,000$ because this stupid man ofcourse my mans will take all the money they can from this man but still and before i knew i was infront of the stripper club that MR smith owns.
i was inside of the club trying to find somebody..
that when i saw george talking to some guy who was little taller than him
i walked behind george and i saw that other guy just smirk at george before walking away.

"oh dream i didn't know you would be here" george says

"yeah i came here to get some to drink i had bad day"i said looking at george

"do you want me to get you something strong"george says.

"that would be nice i will sit in the sofa over there"i said before walked over a small sofa.
george came to the sofa with some drink that he made for me.

"Here is some of our strongest drinks we have here"george said

"thank you george have this"i said giving him 50$ dollar bill.

"Thanks dream but i have to go now
it is now 9.04pm and if i want to take care of my sleep i have to end this now but see you tommorow!
words 622

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