chapter 24

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yayy another chapter today🤪✌️

"Dream sent me here to talk to you"sapnap said.

"What it is then?"i asked.

"We have a plan how we can save skeppy and your mom but we need your help"he said.

"AND charlie, but what i have to do?"i asked.

"We need you to go to jschlatt's mansion and get him in the basement wherr Bad and i are waiting to attack"he said.

"He never goes to the basement"i said.

"Well that's your problem get him in the basement and then you get to see your mom and charlie."sapnap said.

"But what if i can't?"i said.

"i know you can do it i have known you many years and i know you aren't bad person"sapnap said before leaving the basement.

"Why i have to be here if people know that i'm good person!"i yelled before throwing a plate torwards the wall.
i started crying. why me? why i have the bad life while everyone else gets a good life!?i thought.

"Hey quack.."

"Shut it sapnap"i said not looking up.

"It's me will"i heard will say i looked up and saw wilbur.

"Oh my god will!"i said jumping up and hugging him.

"I finally got permision to come here and see you"he saod smiling at me.

"I-i missed you so much!"i said crying even harder.

"i missed you too haven't seen you in long time"he said.

"how have you been?"i asked smiling.

"Good i been hanging out with niki"wilbur said.

"Oh.."i said looking at my feet.

"Oh are you jealous QuAcKiTy"wilbur said pulling my face to face his.

"No i'm not, i know how amazing friend niki is!"i said laughing.

"Yeahh.. i heard you and sapnap talking.. about the plan.. are you sure you want to do it?"he asked.

"yes i need to help my mom and charlie! Will you have met my mom she is the best mom"i said tears in my eyes.

"Yes she is sweet and charlie is line brother to you"will whispered while hugging me.

"t-thanks for everything Will you are the best"i said.

"Wanna go to walk around the mansion"he asked.

"will dream be okay with it?"i asked.

"Yeahhhh he doesn't have to know really"Will said smiling while opening the basement door.

"If you say so.."i said walking behing him out of the basement.

"I know you won't try run away"he said walking in front of me.

"yeah i would never run away."i said


i was with sapnap walking in this forest next to the mafia's mansion we were picking flowers and bestiful rocks i made beatifull flower crowns for me and sapnap what we were wearing right now.

"Should we walk back to the mansion it's getting late"sapnap said.

"Yeah and it's getting dark too"i said turning around.

"Should we go on a walk tommorrow too?"he asked.

"Yeah i would love that!"i said happily.

we walked little longer before we heard steps coming torwards us.

"Hide"sapnap whispered before jumping in some bush and i jumped right after him.

we were waiting for the person or persons to show them self who have been walking torwards us.

"There they are-"sapnap whispered but didn't say anything when there was walking Willbur AND Quackity.

"Didn't quackity go to the basement because he was traitor"i asked looking at sapnap.

"yeah and now wilbur is too for trying to help quackity escape"sapnap said before jumping out of the bush with a gun.

"GET DOWN NOW BOTH OF YOU!"sapnap yelled pointing the gun at quackity then willbur and then again quackity.

"Look it's not what it looks like"Wilbur said.

"Yeah Will said we should go on a walk so we went"quackity added.

"Yeah yeah you don't need to lie to me"sapnap said.

"Maybe they are telling the truth didn't quackity do all this to help his mother and a friend?"i asked.

"Yeah! you would do the same sapnap if in the line was your loved ones"wilbur said looking very angry.

"Let's go to the mansion and see what dream's choice is"sapnap said.

"Okay then"Willbur said taking quackitys hand and pulling him torwards the mansion.

"You know you didn't have to be so rude?"i said looking at sapnap.

"Well if i'm not rude they won't listen"sapnap said walking little faster.

"is you say so" i said.

"I love you karl and i don't want to lose you"sapnap said.

"i love you too sappy nappy"i said kissing me on the cheek.

yes i know two chapters in the row😱😱 i made three chapters in one day 🤪✌️ if your school has started i wish you great school year is your school hasn't started then i wish you hreat school year too
words 837

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