chapter 6

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"okay Dream here is the money that you wanted"Mr.smith says.

"Thank you Mr.smith it was nice making this deal with you"i tell him

"Yeah it was but now i have to i'm working on opening a new club bigger and more better than this one"he tells me

"thats nice have fun"i say

"Yeah bye!"he says before leaving

"take the money to the limosine"i say to techno.

"aren't you coming?"he asks

"i will be here for while.."i tell him


i was walking in the club trying to find something no somebody that he wanted to see,he haven't seen George for 2 weeks because of his rut and that when i saw him he was walking torwards the bar with some bills in his hand.
i walked behind him and grapped him from his waist and he just turned around to face me.


"Hi Georgie"

"Where have you been i been worried about you!"

"i'm sorry George i was in my-"

"yeah  yeah you are sorry you could told me or send me someone of you mans to tell me that you are okay i was so scared that you had got killed"

"I'm sorry but i was on my rut and i didn't want to scare you i was just in too much pain."

"i'm sorry i didn't know"

"it's okay"

"yeah... but why are you here?"

"to look my beatifull omega ofcourse"

"tell me the real reason"

"okay so sapnap and karl wanted us to go dinner with them in 20.4 do you wanna come?"

"sure but you have to pick me up i won't come there with sapnap and karl"

"okay okay princess"
5 am
i was now walking out of the club torwards my apartment.i just got a feeling that somebody was following me so i looked behind me and saw alpha male following me and it wasn't dream....
I took my phone out of my pocket and looked peoples numbers i had


fuck boy(punz)


i didn't want them to worry so i scrolled deeper and i found ....


shit i have to really call Dream? isn't he working now?i think to my self






"George why did you call me so late"

"So i was walking back to my apartment and i got this feelind that somebody is following me so i looked behind me and saw some alpha male following me and now i walked inside a super market to hide."

"send me your address now"

"Wait are you coming here"

"ofcourse,does the man have brown hair,is tall and wears suit?"


"SHIT i'm coming Georgie don't worry"
And then he hungs up

i walked behind snack allay so the guy don't see me.
I heard gun shots out side and the chasier yelled at me to come to the back door to be save be i just stayed there and the chasier runned out of the shop.
The gun shots stop at some point and i walked out of the market(idk why)

"Dream?..."i whisper yell

"Thank god you are okay"he yells and hugs me.

"W-what Happend?"i ask

"the man who followed you he is my enemy and he runned away but don't worry you are coming with me."

"What where are we going?"

"to my mansion,it's the safest place for now."


we walked inside of the limosine and before i could even say anything before i fell asleep in dreams arms.


609 words😏

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