chapter 16

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i was confused that why dream needed me and not we were in his car going somewhere.

"Do you want me to tell you where are we going?"dream asked me.i nodded

"Well i have this ball where all the mafia bosses go and you can have partner from the mafia with you and you are like in the mafia now so i wanted to maky you my partner to the ball if you want to come of course"dream said.

"Yeah i loved to go with you"i said.

"and don't worry there will be bad and his partner too,you remember bad?"dream said.

"oh yeah i remember him!"i said

"There will be other my allay named corpse don't worry he is cool guy."he said.

"Okay are we going to get me a dress there?.."i asked shyly.

"A dress? ofcourse if you want to wear a dress we will get you one"dream said.

i was happy that dream didn't make a weard scene about me going to MAFIA ball in a dress with him,HIM the biggest and scariest mafia boss in the AMERICA!i think to my self.

we were now infront of some kind of suit and dress shop.

"our mafia colors is forest green so take forest green dress okay?"dream says.

"Okay"i say

"i wait here take my credit card"dream says giving his credit card.

"okay forest green?"i say

"yeah forest green."he says
i walked in to the store and when the door closet some woman came up to me,she had that tom boy style.

"Hello there how can i help you today?"she said.

"h-hi i'm looking for forest green dress for a ball"i said little shyly.

"Oh okay please follow me there!"she said and i felt better.

"is some of these dresses the one you are looking for?"she asked me.i then saw one beatifull dress:

i then saw one beatifull dress:

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"That's the one"i said happily.

"Oh i can imagine you in that dress and you would look GORGEOUS."she said happily.

"Thanks oh yeah my size is ____"i said

"Good will bring your size so you can try it out!"she said before leaving.

i was waiting for her to come back with my sized dress but i felt large hands around me waist and someone's face on my shoulder.

"Have you picked the dress?"i hear dream ask.

"Yeah i'm waiting for my size to come so i can try it out wanna watch?"i said.

"sure"he said

"what kind of suit you will wear?"i asked.

"black outfit"dream said.

"isn't your mafias color forest green?"i said

"yeah and black is too i forgot to say.he said

"you just wanted me to wesr forest green dress am i right?"i said.

"maybeeee-"he leaned to kiss my cheek but the worker came back with my dress.

"Sorry i have to go try it on now"i said to dream then walke dof with the dress to one of the dressing rooms.

i was waiting for george come out of the dressing room where he was in.

"So are you his boyfriend?"i heard the worker ask me.

"Um yeah he is.."i said.

"That's great to hear!"she said.

"yeah"i said

George cane out of the dressing room and walked up to me but i didn't see him because i was looking trought twitter.

"Hellooo?"george says.

"Oh you are rea-"i said before looking at george then going silent.

"how do i look?"george asked me.

"You.. You look beatifull george that dress is perfect for you"i said smiling at him.

"i know!sooo can i have it?"he says leaning to my chest.

"ofcourse come on"i said before walking to the check out.

me and george were driving back to the house because i already had a suit for the ball.
"wanna go eat something?"i asked.

"I want mcdonalds"george said.

"mcdonalds?okay then."i said

i turned the car around so we can go to the closest mcdonalds.
"yeah one bicmac with fries and sprite and
one chicken burger with fries and coca cola zero"i ordered.

"okay anything else?"the worker asked from the mic.

"do you want anything else?"i whispered to george.

"sunday!"he said happily.

"oh yeah and one sunday"i said to the worker.

"Okay it will be the second window."

"thank you"i said

(this is how in my country the mcdonalds work idk how it works in other countrys)

30 minutes later.

"was the food good?"i asked.i just got a nod from george he's mouth was full.

"ugh i haven't eaten fast foods in long time because i had to eat your fancy shit"he said.

"you don't like the food?"i asked

"no no i love the food what niki makes i just want eat sometimes something not too fancy food you know what i mean?"george says.

"yeah i now know what you mean and don't worry just say what you want to eat and niki makes you that food and don't be shy about it"i say smiling at george.

"you are right i'm just shy sometimes"george says.

we were now at the mansion and george ran in to the mansion while i just got out of the car.

let's hide somewhere .i think to my self.
i found some hiding spot at the third floor in one of the rooms.i was giggling so much but then i heard dream yell:


oh shit he is close.i think.but before i can go find new hiding spot dream came into the room where i was hiding.

(you can think yourself where george is hiding idc)

"HA found you"dream says before pulling me out of my hiding spot.


"didn't i say to you do not go to the third floor?"

"no?"i said in confusion,

"Oh shit well don't come to the third floor please?"he said

"okay but why?"i asked.

"just mafia things you don't have to worry about"he said.

"okay then."

"the ball is tomorrow at 8pm ao be ready for that okay?"he said

"yeah ofcourse i will"i said giving kiss on the lips before walking away.dream had some mafia shit to do so i just went to our room play with patches and luca.

Hello loves. my summer break will start in 3.june so then i will have more time to write this book and new book that i will start:) is you hadn't read the chapter "HELLO LOVES:]" then go read it because there i tell you about the new book that will come out:) anyways BYEEE
words: 1152

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