chapter 9

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Okay now i have little bit diferent username so they don't find this story😮‍💨 but let's beging.

Me and Dream had taken out all my stuff out from the boxes and luca was sleeping on the sofa in  some clothes i left there while Dream flirted with me.

"Okay stop Dream it's been 1 hour when we started to unpacking my stuff and we are like half way done"i tell him.

"Don't you like when i flirt with you~?

"just shut up i'm hungry"

"you can go to the first floor there in the kitchen is girl named niki who will help you to make you some food"

"oh okay will you take care of luca?"

"sure go now"

i walked out side from the room and started walk torwards the elevator.
i entered inside of the  elevator and press the first floor button.holy fuck there is 6 floors and i'm in there!?i think to my self.
i was now at third floor when the door opened,two alphas got inside of the elevator.i was little scared because i didn't know anyone from here only Dream and maybe sapnap and quackity.i heard the other alpha say."Techno who is he?"
and the other alpha answered"He is some Dream's guest i guess Bad."

we were now at the first floor and when the door opened i walked as fast that i can torwards the kitchen.

"Hey! Heyyy! excuse me?"the other alpha from the elevator was behind me trying to get my attention.

i turn around to face the guy so he can say what he needs to say.

"hi i'm bad what's your name?"the guy named bad says.

"nice to meet you bad my name is George"

"so what are you doing here in the mafia house are you new worker or are you Dream's new Friend"the guy said.

"Oh um i really don't know if we are friends or more.."i say shyly.

"Oh okay but i have to go back to my mansion."Bad says while smiling at me.

"Okay byee"


i walked in the kitchen and was met with a Beta girl who had blonde hair and was really short shoter than me.

"Hi do you need something?"The Girl asks.

"Dream said i could come here and make some breakfast,can i make some?"i say.

"Oh you must be George Sapnap told that you would be here since jschatt tried to kidnap you"The Girl says.

"Who is jschatt? "i ask

"Oh Dream didn't tell you?"

"No he never told me who jschat"

"He is Dream's and bad's   biggest enemy,he sells omegas and some betas and drugs and his boss is mr S Dream don't know mr S real name he only know's that his mans call him mr S"she tells me.

"Will they find out soon?"i ask little scared

"yes when the time is right"


"Soo what do you want to eat?"she asks

"umm maybe some pancakes?"i say

"okay"she said in happy tone"

"Btw what is your name?"i ask

"Oh my name is niki"she says

"Well nice to mert you niki"i say while sliling at her.

"you too wait there  while i make the food"she says while pointing at kitchen island 
(i asked my mom what is that kitchen island💀)
i sat on the chair next to the table thing waiting for niki to come here with my food.

"Hey niki can you make me one migas!"i hear some guy yell from the stairs.

"for the last time quackity i don't make mexican food"niki yells back.

"oh come on it's so easy to make!"Quackity yells back.

"if it's so easy to make then do it by your self"niki says while giving me my pancakes.

"YOU MADE HIM FOOD!"he yells.

"He is a guest quackity"niki says while trying not to laugh.

"Ugh i will go get some mexican food peace"he says before leaving the house.

"He is so childish"niki says while rolling eyes.

"i know"i say

i was now done eating and was about to go back to my room to see luca and Dream but Dream came running down the stairs in gray sweatpants and shirtless, he was sweating from running down the stairs.

"Is every thing okay dream where is luca?"i say while standing up from my chair where i sat.

"I don't know where luca went he was just second ago next to me and then he was gone!"Dream says while looking around if luca could be here.

"i go check our bed room"i say to him before i went to the elevator.

our bedroom? i think to my self and while i started to think that niki asked me.

"Why are you blushing so hard dream?"She says while smirking at me.

"W-what me,i'm not blushing"i say while banicking  in side.

"I think you are"niki said teasing.

"okay what if i am"

"I think you should ask him out on date  and ask him to be your boyfriend, i think he likes you back"niki says

"ugh i like him so much niki.. but i don't want to see him get hurt."i say in sad tone.

"still if you love him you will protect him at all cost."niki says while cleaning the dishes.

"you are right,i maybe ask him on a date next week"i say while thinking where we should go on the date.

"Yeah i'm always right that why you all are here alive and not dead or in drugs on the streets"she says and starts laughing.

"yeah yeah you are the best niki"i say and started to walk torwards the elevator to follow where george had gone.

we should go on some fancy  dinner or on picnic date i think to myself.

I'M BACK GUYS i started to feel better today so i thought why not make new chapter but it's late now so BYEEE
words 1020

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