chapter 23

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*flash backs*

GEORGES POV*flash backs*—————————————————

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(george's outfit)

"do i look good karl?"i asked while looking at myself from the window.

"Yes you look so hot!"karl said.

"Good i want to look my best to mine and dream's first date!"i said.

"yeah go now or you will be late!"

"Okay okay bye!"i said before leaving my room.
i walked torwards the elevator and pressed the first floor.
what if he hates my outfit?"i thought to my self. he will love it! my wolf said.
thanks moon i said to my wolf.
i got to the first floor where dream was waiting for me.

i got to the first floor where dream was waiting for me

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(dream's outfit)

"wow you look amazing george"dream said looking at me.

"You look good too"i said blushing.

I SAID HE WILL LIKE IT!! luna yelled in my head.

"Should we go?"dream asked.

"Yeah we should"i said taking  his hand.

we walked torwards all the cars that this fucking mansion has. like when i say they have many cars i mean THEY HAVE FUCKING MANY CARS like they have one car to go to the mall like bitch!

"Let's go with this car come here george!"dream yelled from behind big black car.

"Okay" i said walking there where dream was.

"We are going with this car" dream said pointing at black 2014 lamborghini Aventador.

"That's beatifull car dream!"i said walking torwards the car.

"We had two of them but Will and Quackity broke it when i was gone for like four days"dream said laughing before going inside the car.

"Sooo where are we going?"i asked.

"It's suprise so i can't tell you"he said starting the car.
we been driving now like 20 minutes and i don't know still where are we going.

"Dream?" i asked.

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