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Hello loves i posted this chapter because i will go on trip so i don't have internet :,) btw thank for all the votes! :3

"quackity... i need to talk to him about skeppy's disapearing right now!i thought
i walked in quackity's room but he wasn't there so i called him.

"hey bro where are you?"i said.

"i went to buy pizza gor all of us we will have movie night!"he said sounding excited.

"come fast then i'm starving then!i said before laughing.

"yeah yeah see you soon"he said before hanging up.

i should talk to him about skeppy's disapearing tommorrow

"hey sap do you have food i'm fucking starving"tommy said from the door.

"quackity is bringing som pizza we are watching a movie"i told him.

"YES! What movie we are watching"he asked.
"I don't know maybe IT?" i said

"can we watch UP?"tommy asked.

"heck no we watched UP like hundred tiimes! i yelled.

"What the heck are you guys talking about?"i heard dream ask behind tommy.

"We are having pizza and we will watch movie!"i said.

"yeah IT movie!"tommy yelled.

"isn't that movie fucking scary?one or two IT movie?"george asked, he was on backpack ride on dream(idk what the fuck it's called)

"it's not that scary movie"dream said

"thank you and we are watching two"i said.

"can we join?"george asked.

"Sure! quackity will be here in about ten minutes"i said.

"Okay i will go put some shorts and t-shirt on"george said before jumping off dream and walking away.

"i will go and watch him"dream said with smirk on his face.

"okay byee"tommy said.

i started laughing really hard and that wehn tommy realized what dream meant.

"WAIT WHAT!"tommy yelled.
i putted dream's and georges pizza on the small tabel next to the small sofa that they can share.

we were just starting the movie when they cane.

"You two will sit there"i said.

"okay" dream said before sitting down and starting to eat the pizza with george.
??? POV

"Wehre the fuck have you been?!"my boss yelled at me from the phone.

"you want information from dream's mafia? then let me do the fucking job! i yelled.
that's when i realized that i was yelling.

"Who is there!?"i heard sapnap yell from outside the bathroom where i was.

"you better not get caught or else"my boss said before hanging up.

"hey dream i found the traitor!"i heard sapnap yell again.

fuck duck duck i will get killed if they find me!i thought to my self.

"open the fucking door or i will broke it!"i heard now dream yell.

should i give in? no no no i will get out of here before they will broke the door.
i saw a window close to the roof and the window looked like i could fit from it.

"i will count on five.."i heard dream yell again.

shit i have to get fast out of here.
i started climing asfast as i could and i tried to get out of the window but it was too late.

"one!"i heard before loud bang vane from the door and before i knew it i was pulled out of the window.


"QUACKITY!?"i said in shock.

"look i can explain"he said looking scared as fuck.

"well explain fast"sapnap said pointing a gun at quackity.
i saw that he started crying and before i knew it he was having panic attack and he passed out.

"we should take him in the basement"i said.

"you are right i will take care of this"sapnap said.

"are you sure?" i said .

"yeah i will call will"he said.



i woke up and saw that i was one of the basement rooms that dream has.

"oh no no no J is going to kill me!"i yelled to my self.

"oh who is J"i heard someone say from the dark corner that the room has.

"What?"i said in shock.
i smelled an anrgy alphas scent.

"Now that you are wake you can explain yourself dream says coming closer to me.

"i took deep breath before starting.
"look dream i work for jschlatt because he said if i don't he will hurt my mom and charlie and they are my only family that i have..."i said.

"so that why you have been giving information about our mafia to him?"he said in calm but serious tone.

"yes i could onky say before falling onto the floor while crying my eyes out.
will charlie be okay? will my mom be okay?i could only think.

"I'm sorry dream"

"I'm So sorry"i sobbed out.

"Quackity"he said.

"y-yes?"i said looking at him he was now at my level sitting on the floor.

"Don't worry i will help you out but don't give any information never again to him okay?"he said.

"o-ofcourse! just help me get my family back.."i said.

"i will try my best"he said before hugging me.
SEE YOU ON LIKE AUGUST I THINK IDK WHEN I WILL BE FREE AGAIN, i fucking hate it this chapter is only like 900 words and i want it always to be 1000 or more because i think that good words for one chapter anyways have amazing summer byeeee.

words 918

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