chapter 12

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i realized that i write like strippers,drug dealers,smoking peoples,alcoholic peoples and more like that BUT I WOULD NEVER smoke:]But let's start
Tw:Really really sassy gogy wogy😜

i walked out of the bathroom to the closet to get changet.i put on black t-shirt and some grey sweatpants.i walked out of the closet and put the towel in the dirty basket.i saw George sleeping on the bed and i just watched how cute georges was and then i felt sad.I don't deserve somebody so beatifull and sweet like George...i think to my self.i walked out side to the balcony and i took cigarette out of my pocket.
i had now smoked 4 cigarettes but i can't stop my self i'm too stressed out because jshlatt is on the lose and he tries to kidnap George so i would have to give him my money and maybe my mafia..
it was 1.00Am."Shit.."i growl.i should go to sleep i have a *meeting* in 10.30am i have to kidnap some dude that works for jshlatt and try to get him talk.i think to my self.

"Dream?..."i hear George say in sleepy voice.

"Oh no did i wake you up?"i ask worried.

"Well i just woke up because i smelt cigarettes."he says.

"I'm sorry.."i say

"What wrong? every time you smoke you are stressed out or angry"he says.

"Just stressed out that what will jshlatt do if he finds out that you live here..."i say not wanting to lie.

"Don't worry i can fight!"he says proudly.

"oh yeah show me"i smirk and walk inside.

"i will beat your ass"he says and gets of the bed and. now we are standing infront of each other.

"Show me"i say before feeling a fist on my face and getting punched in the nose.

"what the fuck!"i yell before falling down.

"i said i can best your ass"he says in sassy tone.

"Yeah yeah but do you know what happends to people that are show offs?"i say smirking.

"Wha?-"he says before getting picked up by me.

"PUT ME DOWN DREAM"he yells.

"nope"i say while walking outside to the

"DREAM PLEASE DON'T THROW ME!"he yells while putting his hands around me to feel more saver.

"Then you have to do one thing before i will throw you in to the pool"i say.


"You have to kiss me"i say

"What no way i'm going to!"he says

"okay then"i say while walking torwards the end of the balcony.

"OKAY OKAY I WILL."he yells.

"Okay"i say smirking down at him.

"First put me down."he says.

i put him down and now he is more shorter than me so i bow down so we are at the some level.i can see that he is red as tomato witch is kinda cute is you ask me.
he puts his arms around my neck and i put mine around his waist.

he came closer to my face so our lips was only inches apart.i couldn't take the wait anymore so i pressed our lips together i saw that George was suprised by the fast move.
he pushed me away before it could get more heated.

"You know this is our second time kissing and you still blush so hard"i say.

"Shut up.."he says while looking at my tattoos.

"You know i wanted to get a snake tattoo would you allow me to get one?"i say

"Allow you? you are alpha and i'm only omega you can do what ever you want"he says.

"Well if you want to date me i want you to agree with me because it's how it works"i smirk at hin.

"Date you?you have to ask me on one and have Very fancy dinner"he spits.

"Okay bet let's go to a date next week in sunday."i say

"Okay then.."he says

"But we have to go to sleep i have work and then we have our dinner at 8.15pm"

"Wait are you joking?"he asks.

"Does it look like i'm jokin?"i ask.

he shakes his head.

"That what i tought but now we have to go to sleep because it's late"

we go to the bed and i walked in the bathroom brush my teeths before joining George in the bed.
"Hey dream.."George says in sleepyvoice.

"Yeah whats up?"i ask him.

"I love you so much.."he says

i was in shock i know that we had kissed and all but he really said i love you?i think to my self i had heard that omegas ar really hard to get them trust you if you are alpha so i think i'm lucky that he trusted me well i saved his life but still.i think before falling a sleep.
HELLO LOVES IT'S really late so i will end this chapter and we are so close to get in the  double date chapter!!!But today one girl called me emo and fat so my other friend sent her text where she said Listen here girl if you bully my friend ever again i will find you okay? and the girl was like who are you ? and my friend was like "Don't change the subject okay?" and the girl was like "oh i'm sorry" and then i send text to the girl who bullyed me "i'm sorry for my friend she just don't like to see her friends to get bullied" and the girl is like i'm sorry that i bullied you and i was like BITCHHHHHHHH SHE SAID SHE WAS SORRY DAMNNNNNNNN.btw she NEVER says sorry she is like all the time Ewwwww emos and like that (hope you understand my stupid ass writing) BUT ANYWAYS GOOD NIGHT OR DAY BYEEEEE LOVE ALL OH YOU GUYS

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