chapter 11

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we were now at the bar sapnap had gotten us one vip table and i'm thinking how and so is Dream thinking but moving on i got one martina,Dream got cold vodka,sapnap got a beer,quackity got a beer too and karl got wishkey.
Quackity,Sapnap and Dream just talked about business while me and Karl just Laughed while talking about all the memorize we had in the strip club.
"George wanna go to the dance floor"Karl asks.

"Sure let's go!"i say

we were now REALLY drunk karl had one wiskey and one beer and i have 3 martinas.
we ran to the dance floor and started dancing and laughing , i don't remember when was the last time we had so much fun together.

i'm talking with sapnap and quackity about some boring business.

"Hey Dream do you want more vodka?"Quackity says and i can see that he is really drunk.

"Sure why not"i say

"Can you get me one too?"sapnap asks.

"Suree"he says while trying to walk to the but can't get even up.

"Ugh let's just call him to take our orders"sapnap says and then whistled to the waiter to come here.

i was looking where the heck karl and george has gone then k saw them dancing on the dance floor and i saw man coming closet to george and karl.... some really familiar man...

"jschlatt that motherfucker."i say

"WAIT IS JSHLATT HERE"sapnap yells

jshlatt then is now talking to the to males and getting touchy with george so i got up and put my hand in my pocket where is my gun.sapnap sees that i'm about to take my gun out and he whisperes quackity "are ready to take gun" and quackity says "okay".

i walked on to the dance floor 1 foot behind the guy who tried to kidnap george.. the guy i loved and now he is touching him..


he turns around and his eyes little widen when he saws me and Quackity and sapnap behind me.

"Oh Dream nice to see you again"he says while his shock face turns into smirk

"Get away from George and karl"i say

"what are you going to do?"he says

"what do you think 3 vs 1 thsi is easy game"i laugh.

"3 vs 1?..... i think it is 3 vs 7 Dreamie"he says and then six man came closer to us and pointing guns at us.

"shit..."i hear sapnap say.

"What are you going to do now green boy?"jshlatt says.

"..."i couldn't so anything.

"That what i though 3 vs 7 people that isn't fair right?.. now let me take these pretty omegas and i will lesve you alone"he says.

".."Still i couldn't say anything.

"i take that as yes."he says

"Not so fast J"i hear familiar voice say.

"MR hola....."Jshlatt growls.

"Indeed and ofcourse 5 of my mans and woman."he says

"Shit..."Now jshlatt whisperes

"Language J and Go before i have to send my mans to get you."Bad yells.

"Fine.."jshlatt says and signals to his mans to leave the place.

"Thanks Bad you just saved George and karl.."

"No problem brother"He says.

"We should head to home"i smile at him.

"yes you should and don't worry about jshlatt i will take care of him."he says

"Thank you."i say and started to leave with Quackity,Sapnap,Karl and George.
we were now at karls house and when we got next to the house we saw that somebody had broken in the house.

"Oh no no no my stuff!"Karl say panicking.

i saw that sapnap looked very worried about karl.

"i go take a look"sapnap says.

"Are you sure?"i say.

"Yeah quackity come please too"he says.

"Okay i come"quackity says.
i get a call from sapnap.

"Is everything okay?"

"Every thing is fine can you give the phone to karl?"

"okay"i say and gave karl the phone.


"bring my nindendo switch and my clothes then..."



karl ended the call.

"What did he say to you"George asks.

"He wants me to come to your place because i'm not safe here."karl says little sadder tone.

"Well now we can hang out!"George says trying to cheer karl up.

"sure.. but my work.."he says.

"You don't have to worry about that karl"i says.

"Yeah dream but our friends he will miss them and i still miss them"George says.

"oh.. yeah.."i say.

"But i will be okay i have George,Sapnap,You dream,Quackity and the other mafia members"karl says.

"you are right"George smiles at him.
i was now at the mansion it was 10.12pm and i was on the bed waiting for dream end is like 100th call with his allys and mens.i was about to fall asleep but the door opened and Dream came inside
(Don't think it like that)

"Hey Dream"i say in sleepy voice.

"Have you been awake so we can sleep together ?"he laughs.

"no i don't need you to fall asleep"i snap at him

"We all know that is a big lie"he says.

"Nope it's not"i say.

"Okay then i will sleep tonight on the sofa"he says.

"Wait what?"i say

"Yeah if you can sleep without me then prove it"he says

"O-okay then.."i say thinking that i will see nightmares of mr smith or jshlatt.

"I sill go to the showers you can cole too if you can"he says while smirking.

"Yeah never will happen"i say but in real life i wanted to go.

"okay then you can come later if you can"he says and lefts

i started to fell asleep again but this time  fell asleep.
Hello loves i been now really close to sh my arm but i just draw a butterfly on my hand 🥰 if you don't know what that means it means that if you draw a butterfly on your hand you can't self harm because then the butter fly will die and every time you want sh draw a butter fly on your hand(hope that makes sense)
words 1058

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