chapter 15

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"GEORGE WHERE ARE Y-"i was cut off by george jumping on my back.

"AAGGGGHH"i yell before falling down to the floor.

"Did you need me Dream?"George says like nothing just happend.

"yes,but can you help me to get up?"i say.

"Okay"he says happily.

George helps me to get up then we heard glass breaking noise.we ran where the sound came from and we saw sapnap and tommy yelling at each other and next to them where MY favorite cup.

"DREAM IT WAS SAPNAP!"tommy yells.

"WHAT NO IT WAS TOMMY!"sapnap yells.

"i think it was both of you guys.."ranboo says in quiet voice.


"okay.."ranboo says while tubbo was dragging him outside.

"What.The.Fuck.Happend."i said

"Listen dream i'm your right hand man!"sapnap says.

"i didn't ask you"i said then i looked at callahan.

he cane with a note that he just write and there said.
it was both of their fault tommy was yelling at sapnap because sapnap tried to take your bug out of tommy's hands because tommy wanted to use your bug:)

"What the note says?"george asks me and callahan gives me "who the fuck is he?" look.

"Callahan this is george"i say and i give the note to george so he can read it.

"Oh what will you now do?"george asks me

"i... ugh just clean this mess"dream says and then starts walking torwards the door.

i was in shock how easly dream gave up is it because gogy is here and dream likes him?i think to my self
me and sapnap are now alone in the kitchen cleaning the mess we made
"Hey sapnap does dream like gogy?"i ask sapnap.

"Gogy? do you mean george?"sapnap says while cleaning

"Yeah george does dream like him?"i ask again.

"Yeah they are like *dating* but they aren't offical"he tells me

"AND NO ONE TOLD ME!?"i yell

"chill out tommy i told you now"he says.

"Okay okay let's just clean up and go gaming"i say

"I have to get some people to pay us so i can't"he says

"oorrrr are you just sneaking out to see your BoYfRiEnD"i say in mocking voice.

"OMD IT WAS ONE TIME"sapnap yelled.

hello loves this was really short chapter because i'm tired and i have many thing to do so like go to my football practice and other practice and my art school + my normal school and have fun:) i will start writing my new story too in the summer i promise
words 447

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