chapter 18 (part 2)

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TW:close rape i think😭

"Hi dream!"i heard some guy say

"hello corpse how have you been?"dream says.

"good good and who is he?"the guy named corpse says.

"oh this is george"dream said happily.

"is he your boyfriend?"corpe asked.

"Yeah why?"dream asked.

"Well damnit you always get all the hotties"he said and i was little confused,dream slways got the hot ones?

"Oh shut up i only dated one girl and it was my biggest mistake."dream said.

"Yeah yeah but anyways how did you guys met?"corpse asked.

"Well i had some business to do with mr smith so i went to his club and there i met george"dream said.

"that's cool,oh i have to go see you later dream!"corpse said before leaving.


i been drinking 2 vodkas and 2 whiskeys and i was little drunk because of it, but dream wasn't drunk at all but he had been drinking 4 vodkas and one beer.

"do you want me to get you some water?"dream asked.

"yes please my head little hurts"i said.

"i will be in 5 here see you soon!"dream said before leaving

i was now alone sitting in sofa close to the dance floor.i saw familiar guy and other guy coming closer to the sofa where i was sitting.

"Hi george is nice to see you again!"i heard bad say.

"Oh hi bad it's nice to see you too!"i said smiling before looking at the other guy.

"this is skeppy he is my husband and we are sapnaps parents!"bad said happily.

"oh i remember that sapnap had talked about you!"i said.

"Oh what he talked about?"skeppy asked.

FEW MONTHS AGO(yes george has been living in the mansion for like 4 months)

"OH FUCKING SAKE!"i heard sapnap yell.

"What's wrong now?"dream asked.
me and drean were cuddling on the sofa while watching helluva boss season 1 episode 7.


"Oh sap it wasn't that bad"karl said from the kitchen.karl has been now 3 days in the mansion before going back to work,dream hasn't let me go to work but i had planed to go whatever if dream says no or yes.

"yes it was!"sapnap yelled before slamming the front door.

"i go get him"karl said.


"he just told me how much he has with you guys!"i said.

"that's great to hear!"bad said.

"hey george here is your water!"dream said then gave me some water.

"oh hi dream how have you been?"bad asked.

"good"dream said,sitting down right next to me.

"That's great to hear and when will you see mr smith again?"bad asked.

"Tommorrow i go to the club"dream said.

"oh say hi from me"bad said.

"ofcourse"dream said.

"good,we have to go now see you!"bad said before going somewhere.

"so you go to see mr smith?"i said little angry.

"i'm sorry that i didn't tell you but i forgot!"dream said.

"why are you even going to see him?!"i snapped at him.

"We are good friends george he is nice!"dream said.

"well i been working for him 5 years and i don't see it!"i got up from the sofa and started walking torwards the big door.

"george!"i heard dream yell from the croud.

he knows that mr smith treats his workers badly and he saw what happend to me,i was depressed!why would he go see him does he just want to go there to see some chicks or he just plans to hurt me with mr smith!?before i could think more things why he would go there i felt a hand on my shoulder.


"Hey there cutie~"i heard familiar voice say.

"Liam?"i said.

"oh you remember my name kitten"he said in flirty voice.

"oh shut up you know that i'm dating dream"i said.

"Didn't you guys just had some argument inside?"he said.

"And? that doesn't mean that we broke up for the gods sake!"i yelled at him while trying to walk away from him.

"But he broke your trust don't you want get back?~"he took my arm and pushed me against the wall so i couldn't get away.

"No! ofcourse not! i love him!"i said,i started to cry because my hand hurt so much and liam was thouching me and i didn't like it.

"Please just stop"i cried.i then felt liam starting to kiss my jaw line.he touched my
ass and before he could undress me he was pulled away from me by dream.dream started besting liam up and really fast liam had blood dripping from his nose and mouth and he had black eye.


"Dream please stop i just want to go home!"i cried.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry this is all my fault!"dream said.

"n-no it's not just please can we go home?"i said.

"ofcourse"dream said before putting his hand on my eyes so i couldn't see and then i heard gun shots,i felt that dream took me on his arms and started walking,i kept my eyes shut because i was scared what would i see if i open my eyes.
i felt dream putting me in a car  and then closing the door.that's when i opened my eyes and i saw dream walkign to the drivers seat.

"Everything will be alright,okay?"drema said before turning on the car.

"yeah.."i said.


hello loveees sorry that these chapters are not the best but i have so much going on my other friend grope is falling apart,my school and my new story that will come out in june! go read my chapter "HELLO LOVES:]" there i tell you about my new story and don't worry i will write this book too! anyways good night/day/morning:3

words 1035 :3

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