chapter 25

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nahh bro i'm crying i found this serie named good omens it's so fucking good but season 2 episode 6 made me cry and i can't stop thinking why why why? like it's hard to write this story because i just want to kill everybody know😭🤚 but i'm watching the serie again and i love the serie but it's sad anywayyyy here is chapter 25.


i was kissing george in my office when the door was slammed open.

"What the fuck did i tell you guys about knocking?!"i yelled.

"This is more important than kissing our boyfriend, can you leave for second george?"sapnap asked.

"Sure see you later dream"george said before leaving.

now i'm very angry and so is my wolf first sapnap slammed my door open so i had to broke the kiss and then he says george needs to leave this has to be very important or i will kill sapnap.i thought to myself.

"i was on a walk with karl when we heard laughing so we hid on this big ass bush and then we saw This two"Sapnap said pulling quackity and Wilbur in the office "trying to escape."

"We weren't trying to escape we were just walking around"Wilbur said.

"why were you to walking?"i asked .

"Because quackity have been like a week in the basement so i thought why not take him on a walk to get some fresh air? you know?" wilbur said.

"You are right but next time tell me first"i said.

"So i will not get fired?"Wilbur asked.

"no you will not get fired you all can leave now"i said.

they all left my office and now i was alone. george is problaby in our room reading or watching tv. i thought to my self before leaving the office and walking on the elevator. i pressed number 5 and waited for the elevator to stop.

"Hey dream"i heard someone say behind me while i was walking torwards my room.

"Oh mr smith do you need something why are you are here?"i asked after turning around.

"i wanted to ask if your gang need some help when you will go to mr S mansion" mr smith said.

"Well if you have some guns that would be nice"i said.

"What kind?"

"oh anything would be great more than half of our guns are broken"i said.

"Well i will send you some guns tommorrow i promise"he said.

"Thank you so much mr smith for all the help"i said.

"no worries i should go feed my kids you know their mom is in norway to meet her family"he said.

"Say hello from me to stella and anton"i said before mr smith left.

"From norway mr smith wife? that's cool"i said laughing.

i walked into my room and i saw george laying on the bed and watching something from the tv.

"you finaly came"he said not looking at me.

"Yeahh.. it was just about quackity and that's all" i said jumping on the bed

"What happend?"he asked.

"Nothing much sapnap thought that quackity and wilbur were trying to run away escape you know?"i said laying on george's lap.

"Ohhh that's why sapnap was looking little angry" he laughed

i closed my eyes trying to sleep but the show that george was watching was so fucking loud to my ear.
i took the remoter on closet the tv

"Hey i was watching that-"

"shh let's cuddle"i said.

"Ugh you are such a kid"george laughed.

"I'm not, now sh and cuddle me"i said.

we were cuddling(is that a word💀?) for about one hour when the door was slammed open.

"DREAM WE NEEEDD...."tommy yelled but went quiet when he saw us.

"Ugh what do you need tommy"i said getting of george.

"We have to change the plan and we have to go tommorrow or the plan will not work!"tommy yelled.


Fuck fuck fuck what will i do? t hought to myself. we will get the guns in tommorrow morning! fuck i need to go to the meeting room so we can plan this shit then i can go cuddle with george and forgot all this mess i'm in. i thought to myself.


"Soo i wanted to make cupcakes so i can give them to sapnap!"i said happily to niki.

"I can help you with that ofcourse"she said smiling.

"Thank god because i can't cook"i laughed little nervous.

"are you two going out?"niki asked.

"Well yes"i said red cheeked.

"OMGGG I KNEW IT I HAVE TO TELL GEORGE"niki yelled before running away.

"I think he already knows..."i said to my self
(i don't even remember my self is karl told george💀🤚)

"Karl i need you to go to your room this mafia and other mafia's has big meeting"sapnap said after he runned torwards me.

"What is happening?"i asked.

"Everything is okay just go to our room now"he said before running torwards other room.

"Heyyy karl let's start the baking"niki said jumping torwards me.

"Sapnap said i have to go to our room because they have some big meeting going on"i said.

"Is it today!? then you should go fast to you room"niki said now pushing me torwards the elevator.

"What about you!?"i asked.

"I will be okay i promise"she said before the elevator closed.

"What is happening right now..." i thought to my self.

"Karl where is sapnap?"ranboo asked me coming in the elevator.

"In the first floor i think"i said.

"Oh okay"ranboo said.

"Is everything okay?"i asked.

"Yes and no"ranboo said.
heyyy i made this chapter in my new school🤚😭i need therapy because of good omens serie i am still crying because of it but inside my body yk?

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