chapter 3

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do you ever have that feeling you want to kill theacher?😊okay okay lets start
3 days later in 9.15pn
I was waiting for my mans get all the guns to the car so we can go to the club but we had one problem the polices was trying to find us because one of my man was drunk today and was shooting everywhere and yelling we are going to get some guns to our allys(idk why)and now we have to be even more carefull.

"Big D we are ready to go"

"Good i said to Mr smith we will be there at 10pm and the ride will take maybe 25-40minutes"

"I know dumass"

"Don't talk to me like that tommy i only let you come here if you listen to me and don't call me names"

"Okay okay,oh yeah sapnap told me some karl dude is friends with the guy you want to fuck"

"I will leave you here if you don't shut the fuck up''


we were now infront of the club and my mans started to get all the guns out of the vans and getting them inside.
i knew that sapnap wants only meet karl is "friend" i know sap likes him but he just doesn't tell it to me.

"hey quack i will go for walk you will be the boss when i'm not here"

"YES i'm the boss"quackity yells

"HEY THATS SO UNFAIR"tommy yells

"i'm the boss so i make the rules"

i started to walk torwards some little market so i can by for myself something.
i was now inside of the market and i gave little smile to the cashier and walked torwards the drinks.
i heard the door open and i smelled strawberry and vanilla smell and then i heard familiar voice talking to the cashier

"Oh hello hannah how are you?"the familiar voice asked.

"i'm good how are you George?"the cashier says.

"i'm good just on my heat and i have to come here and by some heat pills"the brunette tells.

"why the heck didn't you just call me and asked me to send you some you know how dangerous is to walk alone in night in HEAT!?"the cashier says in worried tone.

"i didn't want to give you more work.."

that's when i walked torwards the to chatters so i can by my stuff.

"these only"i tell the girl

"okay it would be 6.45$."

"okay here"i say and giving her 10$ dollar bill"keep the rest for tip"i add and smile at her,then i turn around and i can smell that George has gone to find his heat pills.
"thank you hannah"i say to her

"It's okay but please be save i think that alpha from ealier was looking you in weird way and i think he is still close to this shop"hannah tells me.

"Uh oh okay i will"i say and walked out of the shop.
i walked out of the shop and started walking back to my house but before
i can i was grapped to the alley and pinned agaist the wall.

"Pls don't hurt me"i yelled

"george it's just me don't worry"

i opened my eyes to met with dreams eyes.

"Dream!?you scared me."

"I'm sorry but i couldn't just go back to the bar without asking you a cuestion."

"what is it?"

"why the fuck did you so late to get some heat pills,you could get hurt,raped or even worse,."

"I'm sorry but why would you care? you are mafia boss"i say before wining because of the pain.

"i just don't want you to get hurt, lets go to your apartment"

we were now at my apartment in my bed room.i was sitting on the beds end and dream was sitting infront of me on the bed

my stomach pain was getting worse and before i knew it i was curling up into ball


"George are you okay?"

"it hurts can you get the pills now please"

"Ofcourse wait here for second"


Dream came back with my pills and gave me one pill and water.
i take the pill from dream and swallow it and then i fell asleep.
(yes i changed little bit this story for those readers who had read the original verse:3)
Thank you for reading this chapter i just have so much great ideas for this story and i have so much other stories i want to start but anyways goos night/morning or afternoon also who is excited about the usmp??
worlds 802

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