chapter 13

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This will be  smaller chapter because i think you guys want to have the double date chapter am i right?:] but anyways let's start.

i was driving with sapnap to casino where we would meet egg mafia.Quackity was on the back seats playing with his ipad like always and eating his dino nuggets.

"Omg quack you are so childish"sapnap say and looks at quackity on the back seat.

"HOW DEAR YOU!?"quackity yells.


"you to shut the fuck up"i say

they both got quiet but then quackity's ipad starts playing cocomelon and sapnap snaps.

"GIVE ME THAT SHIT OR I WILL MAKE YOU!"sapnap yells trying to take the ipad.

"NO GET AWAY FROM ME"quackity yells.

i stop the car so was that quackitys nuggets fell on the floor and sapnap hits his head on the seat.

"oww fuck you dream"sapnap says.

"Yeah fuck you dream"quackity says.

"Can you just shut the fuck up before we will be late for our meeting?"i growl

"Do we have to meet my dads they are so ughhh."sapnap says.

"They are my mafias allys so yes we have to."i say

Dreams dad was mafia boss and knew bad and skeppy and that why sapnap and dream become friends because their parents were allys and when dreams dad died he got the mafia and sapnap wanted to help dream so sapnap left his home to help dream.

"Ughhhh i sometimes hate that my parents are in mafia and BAD is the boss so we have to see them"he says

"Well you are lucky to have parents.."i say with little sad tone.

"Oh shit sorry Clay i sometimes forget about that.."sapnap says.

"It's okay but don't use my real name"i say

"Shit i'm so du-"sapnap trys to say but then quackity yells:


"Oh nooooo"sapnap whines.

"SAPPY NAPPYYY"I hear bad yell.

"Kill me"sapnap fake cries.

i got out of the car to greed bad.quackity did the same thing as me gots out of the car and greeds bad.sapnap then comes out of the car little bit anoyed.

"SAPPYYY i been waiting to see you!"bad yells hugging sapnap.

me and quackity tried not to laugh but then sapnap gives us death glare and whisper to my ear

"Keep your eyes on your little boyfriend"

"Oh i will and keep your eyes on YOUR BOYFRIEND"i said loud so bad could hear me.

"WHAT YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?"Bad said excited.

"Ughhh i hate you dream"sapnap whispers to me.

"yes well no i mean. we are not offical yet"sapnap says while looking at his own feets.

"Omg i have to meet him but now we have to talk about work"bad said now in serious tone .

"Right should we go inside?"i say.

"Yeah yeah come in!"bad said.

we walked in the living room where we saw Skeppy and captainpuffy.skeppy got up to hug sapnap and then they made little talk before sitting down and me,quackity and bad did the same.

"So have you heard about the omega event?"puffy says

"What omega event?"i ask.

"Well jshlatt made event where he sells omegas for like 50.000$"puffy says.

"That sick bastard"i say.

"And he is working with mr S and we don't know who mr S is"bad adds.

"Mr S i hear about him but never thought that he would work with jshlatt"i say.

"yep you are not the only one who tought that"skeppy says while looking at bad.


"See you next time!"bad waves at us.

"See you!"sapnap yells from the car.

"Be quiet quackity fall asleep"i whisper to him.

"Oh shit i didn't know"he says.

"It's okay but now we have to get home we have dinner tonight remember"i say looking at the other cars infront of me.

"Yeah our *dinner*"sapnap says smirking.

"Whats so funny?"i ask.

"Nothing"he says


HELLO LOVES AGAIN I WILL POST LIKE IN 1 OR 2 DAYS THE DOUBLE DATE CHAPTER AND YES IN THIS STORY BAD AND SKEPPY ARE SAPNAPS FATHERS and don't worry i will post the outfits that they are wearing if i find in pinterest good dresses and suits👀👀
words 739

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