Chapter 1 - 10

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ʚChapter 1 Salted fish have no desire to survive

    Zhen Jinli had just finished throwing out the trash downstairs when a deafening sound of a steam whistle came from above her head.


    Pedestrians on the road all looked at the sky in unison.

    [Welcome to: Survival Game. ]

    At the same time as the cold electromagnetic female voice sounded, a blue light curtain appeared under the sky.

    The rules of the game appeared on the light curtain like typing.

    "Game participants: 2,000 people, surviving quota: 500 people."

    "The survivors are the winners, and the winners will be rewarded with points." "

    Now, the game begins." Before

    everyone had time to react, the street was inexplicably more Many two-meter-tall monsters look like Shrek.

    What's even more frightening is that they began to indiscriminately kill passers-by on the street.

    "What the hell? A terrorist attack!"

    As the monster's attack spread, the number of dead people gradually increased.

    The numbers displayed on the blue light curtain are also gradually decreasing.

    The number representing the total number of people in the community quickly dropped from 2,000 to about 1,800.

    At the beginning, people fled in all directions, but after panicking, many people have already reacted.

    People in the same community were all forced into the same survival game.

    As a social animal living a 996 life, Zhen Jinli's greatest wish in this life is to be a salted fish waiting to die.

    However, the landlord's punctual rent reminders every month told her that it was impossible to lie flat, and it was impossible to lie flat in this life.

    Therefore, when facing the Shrek monster roaring towards her in the game—

    Zhen Jinli felt a little relieved.

    Dead, is it a kind of lying down?

    The next second, the monster avoided her very neatly, and continued to roar towards the panicked crowd.

    Zhen Jinli, waiting to die on the spot: "."


    Is she being ignored?

    Fortunately, there were more than one monster, and the next monster rushed over soon.

    All kinds of screams and cries for help came from my ears, as well as the sound of monsters smashing the door and glass breaking.

    Zhen Jinli didn't like playing games since she was a child, because she was very good at playing games.

    So, when she knew she had entered the survival game, she had given up struggling.

    Anyway, a rookie like her will die sooner or later, so she won't have to worry about it for so long if she dies early.

    Then let the storm come earlier!

    In the next second, the monster automatically bypassed her, and continued to roar towards the crowd who were running away in a panic.

    Zhen Jinli who was waiting: "."

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