Chapter 11 - 20

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ʚChapter 11 Boss Su Pays Attention to Her?

    Rather than resentment afterwards, she would rather make it clear from the beginning.

    Su Yan seemed to be moved by her sincerity, he looked at Zhen Jinli thoughtfully, and said seriously.

    "The game of survival is a threat to all human beings. I always believe that there will be no eggs under the cover of the nest." "

    If I let the spread of the game of survival go unnoticed today and only care about running for my own life, then one day it will be the turn of those who die and disappear Me."

    "Since Miss Zhen and Jiu Yi have already faced the survival game, as a person who has the ability and resources to study survival games, what reason do I have to shirk this responsibility?" Zhen Jinli looked at Su in a

    daze Yan, a gratified smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

    I haven't heard such an exciting speech for a long time.

    "Boss Su really understands righteousness and is responsible and responsible." Zhen Jinli said with sincere admiration.

    Shen Ji seemed to be relieved, it was good that Su Yan could have such an awareness.

    "Brother Su is right. We should work together to find a way to overcome the survival game, reduce the number of deaths, and reduce the threat of the survival game to human beings."

    Zhen Jinli nodded in agreement.

    This pattern was opened up at once.

    Su Yan raised his eyes slightly, looked at her and confirmed.

    "Now, Ms. Zhen can be sure, are our goals and ideas consistent?"

    Zhen Jinli smiled, "Yeah."

    So excited, so touched.

    The teammates are really awesome!

    After Zhen Jinli and Shen Ji were brought to the Blue Palace Villa of the Su family, they lived in the guest room of the villa.

    The security system of the Su family villa is very strong, she can live here with peace of mind, without worrying that someone will kill her for rewards and game exemptions.

    And she and Shen Ji are responsible for researching a way to clear the survival game with the lowest casualty rate.

    After dinner, Zhen Jinli quickly turned on the computer to edit the video.

    She has to quickly post the survival game clearance cheats on the Internet, so that more people can know how to overturn the damn game rules.

    As long as all the monsters are dead, no matter how many people survived, the game will be forced to end, and everyone will pass the level.

    After the video was edited, it was already half past eleven in the evening.

    Zhen Jinli just wanted to post the video of the customs clearance cheats on the Internet, but then she thought that she didn't have many followers on Weibo, and even if she posted it, the influence would be limited.

    But if Su Yan were to post it, the influence would be different, and it would definitely be on the top of the list of trending searches immediately.

    Zhen Jinli sent Shen Ji a WeChat message, asking if he could push Su Yan's WeChat message to her.

    Today, I only had time to add Silent WeChat, not Suyan's WeChat.

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