Chapter 141 - 150

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ʚChapter 141 Introverted Resurrection Paradise

    Si Yao looked at Lan Ze's actions on the console, his eyes moved slightly, but he chose to remain silent after all.

    Because he also fell into confusion, not knowing whether it was right or wrong for Lan Ze to do so.

    And should I dissuade him, and what reason did I use to dissuade him.


    the Internet, discussions about the props in the Resurrection Paradise—the Resurrection Stone are becoming more and more intense.

    Because the resurrection stone can not only revive relatives and friends who have died in the game, but also win a second life for the living players.

    In other words, even if the player accidentally dies in the game or in reality, he can be resurrected once.

    In the second stage of the game, the Resurrection Paradise, Lan Ze did not enable the forced entry mode.

    Instead, in the announcement of the survival game, many very attractive conditions were updated.

    In the Resurrection Paradise, the props that players can get are not only resurrection stones, but also beauty essence.

    The beauty serum can make your face and body blemishes disappear, making your skin delicate and smooth.

    In addition to the beauty serum, there is also a data panel.

    As long as the player clears a game, the personal body data panel can be opened and a limited adjustment amount can be obtained. Players can freely adjust their own body data.

    It's a bit similar to the face-pinching project in mobile games that has been reflected in reality.

    Different from mobile games, the personal body data panel in survival games can be brought into reality.

    Think you're too short? You can turn it up a bit.

    Think you are too fat? You can make yourself thinner.

    Think your skin is too dark? You can whiten your skin tone a bit.

    Think your eyes are not big enough? Nose not straight enough? Not big enough?

    All of these can be adjusted through the personal body data panel.

    As long as the player has cleared enough games, he will have the opportunity to reincarnate and give himself a handsome and beautiful appearance.

    Zhen Jinli did not expect that Lan Ze would offer such an attractive condition for fouling before the second stage of the Resurrection Paradise had begun.

    Overnight, the survival game has changed from being feared and cast aside by everyone to a project that is enthusiastically pursued by the whole people.

    Especially after removing the option to die, and after Resurrection Paradise allows players to quit the game at any time, more players are flocking to it.

    On Weibo, everyone swept away their previous sluggishness and kept rejoicing that they are the survivors of the new era, can enjoy the benefits of the new era of games, and will soon embark on a happy life path.

    Only Zhen Jinli knew that this was unusual, that the survival game was tempting them in different ways.

    She couldn't help but issued an appeal on Weibo: "Resurrection Paradise is not as simple as we thought." " Please don't act rashly for now. After the national team sends pioneers to explore the way, everyone will decide whether to enter or not     .

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