Chapter 191 - 200

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ʚChapter 191 The Angel's Redemption

    After all, not everyone can get things like bombs.

    Even if she is in the Ministry of State Security now, it is not easy to get a bomb.

    Zhen Jinli nodded and said: "Well, I will think of other ways to see how to adapt to local conditions and consume the energy in each copy of the game to the greatest extent." Taking advantage of Blue Star's will to search for energy on the earth, and

    transform It will take a certain amount of time for the energy that can be used in the game.

    She will definitely find a way to fulfill Naxue's request as soon as possible.


    she woke up the next day, Zhen Jinli took the initiative to contact Su Yan and Shen Ji, asking if they could enter the next game with her as soon as possible.

    Both Su Yan and Shen Ji were very surprised. Generally speaking, it is rare for Zhen Jinli to seek them out so proactively.

    Silently said: "I can do it anytime."

    "Okay." After Su Yan agreed, he asked, "Xiaoli, what happened?"

    Zhen Jinli explained: "I want to collect resurrection stone props as soon as possible." , so I just need your help."

    Intuition told Su Yan that things were not that simple.

    But Zhen Jinli didn't say anything, so he and Shen Ji had a tacit understanding and didn't ask any more questions.

    Song Tianlan was still very busy there.

    Because Bluestar Capital has absorbed a huge amount of funds after its listing, and purchased a large amount of new energy and titanium metal.

    Many people think that Blue Star Capital was created by country A, and that it purchased a large amount of energy and metals that can be forged for aircraft missiles to start a new round of war.

    Country A naturally refused to admit this matter. He felt that someone was using the Blue Star capital registered in country A to collect energy and titanium metals around the world in order to form an arms suppression against country A.

    Therefore, in this situation of mutual suspicion, the international situation began to deteriorate rapidly.

    The intelligence agencies of several major countries have dispatched spies and spies to travel between countries to inquire about news.

    Song Tianlan and the people in the department have been busy for several days. In addition to blocking the attacks on the internal network firewall, they also sent people to secretly investigate the movements of armies and ammunition in other countries.

    Zhen Jinli could only get some explanations from Song Tianlan. Because it involved more in-depth information, I couldn't tell her clearly for a while.

    If countries really want to go to war because of misunderstandings, then many people will die because of the war.

    Is this also the purpose of Blue Star's will?

    Zhen Jinli didn't know.

    Now she can only think of a way to find the clearance strategy that consumes the most energy in the game as soon as possible.

    In order to expand the application scope of the strategy, Zhen Jinli began to choose dungeons in those relatively popular games.

    Although many game dungeons already have strategies on the Internet, everyone has a different way of living in Resurrection Paradise.

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