Chapter 181 - 190

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ʚChapter 181 The Classmate whose Name Was Crossed Out

    A vague conjecture floated in Zhen Jinli's mind, but she didn't dare to confirm it for a long time.

    ..No way?

    Although it is not a matter of a day or two to be inappropriate in the game.

    If there are really such survival rules in the future, then this game is really disgusting.

    At noon on Tuesday, Zhen Jinli received a call from Shen Ji.

    "Xiao Li, I found out that there are several students missing in our class." The silent tone sounded a bit worried.

    Zhen Jinli's heart skipped a beat, and she asked.

    "Aren't those students who are missing from your class ranked lower on the list?"

    Shen Ji nodded and said, "Yes, that's right."

    "So, I guess those who are called away will soon have their turn." It's my time." Shen Ji said worriedly.

    Among these students, Zhen Jinli didn't know which ones were NPCs and which ones were players.

    She had a vague premonition that those students who disappeared would turn into monsters and appear on campus later.

    Of course, everything is just her guess now.

    In order to verify the guess, she needs to collect more clues and evidence.

    After Zhen Jinli hung up, she dialed 006 and contacted Zhang Yu.

    "Hey, Zhang Yu, did any students disappear from your class today?"

    Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "No, but I went to class 8 to see, and there were more than a dozen students missing."

    Hearing what they said, Zhen Jinli felt another Jump.

    In the afternoon, Zhen Jinli went to Class 8 and Class 7 to find out, and found that more than 20 students were missing.

    They also asked the teacher why those students didn't come back to continue the class, and the teacher's unified answer was yes.

    "They asked to drop out of school voluntarily."

    How is this possible?

    In a key high school like T City Middle School, even if the academic ranking is relatively low, at least he can go to an ordinary university, and no matter how bad he is, he can get a low-level undergraduate.

    There is absolutely no reason to drop out of school.

    One girl whispered: "I also think it's impossible. They were all called to the teacher's office by the monitor yesterday afternoon, and then never came back.

    " The monitor and dormitory leader packed up their schoolbags and personal belongings and sent them away."

    "Yes, everything happened too fast." Another male student said, "I don't even know what to do." "

    Next If any students are called to the teacher's office again, you don't want to go there." Zhen Jinli warned.

    "But Sister Koi, if we disobey the teacher's order, we will be deducted disciplinary points."

    A girl was so anxious that she was about to cry. She didn't care so much, and directly exposed herself as a player. Come over and hug Zhen Jinli's thigh.

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