Chapter 21 - 30

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ʚChapter 21 Food Shortage Crisis

    It wasn't until Shen Ji and his teammates from the mobile team rushed to the Xitulanya restaurant outside the VR experience hall, and saw Zhen Jinli who was working hard to cook, that he was relieved.

    Fortunately, she didn't rush out as soon as she went to check the derailed roller coaster like today.

    Instead, she sat in a restaurant, eating and waiting for them to come to her.

    (→_→) By the way...

    why does such a beautiful girl eat so wildly?


    the girl who was robbed of the pass as a precedent, the rest of the girls dare not leave the group without authorization.

    They left the amusement park in groups to prevent other people from snatching the passes in their hands.

    Some boys also went up spontaneously to help protect the girls who were walking towards the gate.

    In the evening, everyone will sleep in the Xitulanya restaurant for the night, or go to the experience hall, and the audience in the performance hall will spend the night in the auditorium.

    On the second day, Shen Ning went up to help broadcasting command and dispatch. Anyway, with the influence of Su Yan before, it would be fine even if the broadcaster was replaced by someone else.

    Su Yan stayed in the VR experience hall to rest, together with Zhen Jinli.

    Fade Chen and Hua Zhen were left in the mobile group.

    When Zhen Jinli came out to walk after sitting for a long time, she suddenly heard Su Yan's voice on the radio.

    Zhen Jinli?

    Isn't Brother Su resting in the VR experience hall today?

    After realizing it, Zhen Jinli smiled knowingly.

    o( ̄ ̄)d Jiuyi is indeed a voice changer, imitating Brother Su's voice is so perfect.

    It is simply the skill of their team.


    the morning of the second day of the game, there was an additional entry on the hot search.


    The person who created the entry is Shen Ji, and Su Yan also reposted the Weibo about the amusement park that Shen Ji used the nine-winged vest to post.

    Jiuyi's Weibo also has one or two million followers. But it is still not up to the level of creating a topic, and just posting a Weibo can become a hot search.

    Su Yan felt that he was a ruthless forwarding machine + buying popularity machine.

    Well, anyway, it can increase fans, and this wave of popularity is not a loss.

    Survival game strategy information and videos were uploaded to YouTube by enthusiastic netizens, which is the largest video website in the world.

    They originally wanted to help relatives and friends far away in a foreign country, but with little success.

    Western countries such as country A and country B, even if they saw the strategy video of the game, they could not copy the standard answer of country C.

    In such a survival game, the people of country A and country B act independently, and they cannot fully trust their compatriots at all.

    Most of the foreign players who were able to leave the bronze-level survival game alive were the lucky ones who made it to the end.

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