The Ancient One

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As we all know Star wars is owned by lucasfilm and Disney so I have to inform you that it could be possible for characters to appear that are owned by them. Said things said, enjoy the story.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain Power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains will be broken. The Force shall free me." you mumble as your hands rest on your thighs, while you're meditating in front of a statue. The door behind you quickly opens and light comes into the pitch black room.

M-My Lord!" a hesatating voice states. You turn your head to see a man clothed in dark black armor. Kneeling with his head down, his gaze fixated on the ground in front of him, aknowlegding his unworthiness of your sight.

„Speak!" you command in a dominant and harsh tone.

A gunship has entered the planets atmosphere. It seems to be of republic origin my lord. We assume that this is a scout team. Should we get rid of them?" the man behind you asked. You turn your glowing eyes back to the stone in front of you and take a deep breath.

„I shall look into it personally, Commander." you state firmly as you lifted yourself up from the ground and grab your lightsaber. With a quick forcepull you bring your mask into your hand and start walking through the door, with your commander still kneeling down to you. As you rush through the bright lighted hallways you adjust the mask sitting on your face, while every soldier you encounter bows down.

„Report!" you yell through the Headquarters as you step into the room. A big white hologram builds up on the holotable before you, while six officers in dark clothing fall on the ground as you enter the room. „Lord (S/N)!" one shouts and all of the others fell to their knees aswell. Your yellow glowing eyes fixate on the information displayed in front of you.

I have waited so long for you." you say as a sinister smirk fills your face. The grip on the handle of your lightsaber tightens as your heart starts to fill with hate and excitement, while your officers were getting back to their work. „I want four men and a transporter in the hangar, they shall accompany me. And tell Commander Havok to prepare back up troops in case they have their fleet nearby."

„Yes my Lord!" a firm voice responds.

Filled with pure exitement and hungry for blood you run out of the Headquaters, down the hallway as two soldiers join at each of your sides. Fastly you arrive at the transporter, already waiting for you. You and your soldiers step inside and immediatly head to the coordinates where the republic gunship was last located. As you travel you're using the meantime to muster the soldiers accompanying you. Of course they're wearing the black armor of the most elite men of your empire with the red insignia engraved on their chestplates. Each of your men has individual white stripes on their helmets. This is for two reasons, first so you can distinguish them fast, to correctly and efficiently use their unique abilities in combat and second to let them express themselfes. Your master always says, an empires strength is shouldered by the strength of it's loyal soldiers, if you let your men turn against you, you'll never be able to achieve a true empire.

„We've reached extraction my Lord!" the pilot informs you.

Your gaze wanders around your men and each of them gives you a confident nod as the doors open.

You are the first to put a step outside and the first thing you see is a Kaijin'sa'Nikto male in a darker brown robe, standing right in front of six clone troopers.

„Jedi." you mumble to yourself, your voice deep and fueled by hatred.

Luckily your guest doesn't seem to have noticed your emotions yet. Confidently you walk towards him and his troopers, ready to engage them in battle.

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