Black in sand

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General Mundi stood alone, his troops decimated, and the once pristine Geonosian landscape now tainted by the grim tableau of lifeless clone troopers. His lightsaber hummed with defiance, the blue blade casting eerie shadows on his weary face. The battle had taken a toll on him, physically and emotionally.

You approached with deliberate steps, your red shoto sabre held confidently, and your white mask betraying nothing of your inner thoughts. Mundi's gaze never wavered as he watched you draw near, the grim realization that this duel was his only option settling in.

The Jedi Master's expression hardened; his focus honed on the looming confrontation. Without a word, you lunged forward, your crimson blade clashing with Mundi's blue lightsaber in a blinding shower of sparks. The duel resumed, and this time, the stakes were higher than ever.

Your attacks were relentless, a flurry of precise and calculated strikes aimed at disarming and defeating your opponent. Mundi's defence was formidable, his blue blade a barrier between himself and your deadly intent. With each clash of sabres, the Force rippled around you, a testament to the power and skill you possessed.

Mundi's movements were skilled, and his responses were swift, but he struggled to keep up with your aggressive and coldly precise attacks. He had trained for countless battles, but this was unlike anything he had ever faced. His breath came in heavy gasps as he attempted to find an opening in your relentless assault.

The duel had shifted in your favour, the mocking tone of the Jedi's earlier words replaced by the grim determination of a warrior facing his inevitable end. His strikes became desperate, and he resorted to unorthodox techniques to gain an advantage. Yet, you countered each manoeuvre, always one step ahead, always ready to exploit his weaknesses.

Despite the Jedi Master's resilience, his strength waned with each passing moment. The battle had turned into a one-sided contest, with you firmly in control. Your every move was a calculated step towards victory, while Mundi's once graceful and measured strikes had become erratic and desperate.

As the duel continued, the unforgiving Geonosian sun beat down on both combatants. The harsh environment offered no respite, and beads of sweat formed on Mundi's forehead, mingling with the dust and grime. He knew that time was running out, and that his only hope lay in finding a way to turn the tide of the battle.

With a final burst of energy, Mundi launched a series of rapid strikes, attempting to break through your defences. But you parried each blow with precision, leaving no openings for a counterattack. The Jedi's fatigue was evident in the trembling of his arms and the heavy breaths he took.

Then, in a last-ditch effort, General Mundi unleashed a powerful Force push, creating a shockwave that sent you stumbling backward. He seized the opportunity to distance himself from you, taking a moment to catch his breath and regain his composure.

The duel had reached a critical juncture. General Mundi's resolve and determination were admirable, but it was clear that he was on the brink of defeat. Your crimson shoto sabre remained unwavering, and your masked visage revealed nothing of your thoughts or emotions.

In another effort to escape the dire situation, the Jedi hurled himself at you, his cerulean lightsaber arcing down from above. You effortlessly deflected the feeble attack with the vibrant hum of the lightsabres resonating in the tense air. Faith slowly faded from the Jedi Masters face as each and every attack he attempted was parried by your blade with a cold and effortless precision.

A simple stab was all General Mundi was able to muster with the strength he had left. Swiftly you made a step inside while dodging the blue lightsabre of your opponent and in the same movement hit the Jedi's chin with your fist. General Mundi instantly lost his balance as his torso fell back but still managed to stay on his feet and with the momentum on your side, you force pushed the Jedi to the ground.

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