A Capital of Marvels

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The shuttle descended through the atmosphere of Raxus, the verdant world below coming into clearer view. Lush forests and sprawling cities stretched out as far as the eye could see, interspersed with shimmering bodies of water that reflected the golden light of the system's star. The capital city, Raxulon, was a marvel of architecture and natural beauty combined, its elegant spires rising above the treetops, surrounded by manicured gardens and flowing streams.

As the shuttle touched down on a private landing platform, you rose from your seat, your dark robes sweeping around you with each movement. Queen Scintel walked beside you, her expression a mix of anticipation and calculated calm. The ramp lowered, revealing the bustling cityscape beyond.

The air was warm and fragrant with the scent of blooming flowers. The platform was situated on a cliffside overlooking the city, providing a breathtaking view of Raxulon's splendor. In the distance, the grand Senate building rose majestically, a symbol of the Confederacy of Independent Systems' power and unity.

A sleek speeder awaited you at the edge of the platform, piloted by a protocol droid with a polished silver exterior. Its photoreceptors glowed a steady blue as it watched your approach.

"Welcome to Raxus, my Lord," the droid intoned in a polite, metallic voice. "I have been instructed to transport you to your destination."

You cast a skeptical glance at Queen Scintel, who responded with a subtle nod, urging you to enter the speeder. Reluctantly, you complied, stepping into the vehicle and taking a seat. The interior was luxurious, with plush seating and an array of control panels. Queen Scintel settled in beside you, her gaze fixed ahead.

The speeder lifted off smoothly, gliding over the city with effortless grace. You watched as the bustling streets and serene parks passed below, your mind already calculating the next steps of your plan. The droid piloted the vehicle with precision, navigating through the cityscape towards a secluded district known for its opulence and discretion.

The speeder descended gently in front of a grand estate, its architecture a blend of classical elegance and modern design. Tall columns supported arched walkways, while intricate carvings adorned the facade. The gardens surrounding the estate were meticulously maintained, filled with exotic flora that added to the air of exclusivity.

As you stepped out of the speeder, you took a moment to survey your surroundings. The estate was designed to impress, a testament to the wealth and power of its owner. Queen Scintel led the way, her movements confident and assured as she approached the grand entrance.

A pair of regal doors swung open silently, revealing a spacious foyer bathed in soft, ambient light. The decor was tasteful, with an emphasis on luxury without ostentation. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, and elegant sculptures stood on pedestals, each piece carefully chosen to complement the overall aesthetic.

A droid butler greeted you with a bow, its demeanor respectful and efficient. "Welcome, my Lord. Please, follow me." The droid then turned to the Zygerrian Queen. "You're pressence is no longer of necessity, Queen Scintel. You may leave now."

The proud Queen hissed at the droid under her breath but then excused herself to go back to the ship. You were led through a series of hallways, each more opulent than the last, until you arrived at a lavishly appointed sitting room. A large window provided a stunning view of the city below, the lights twinkling like stars in the twilight. The furniture was arranged for comfort and conversation, with plush chairs and a low table set with refreshments.

The butler droid gestured towards a deep, velvet armchair. "Please, my Lord, take a seat. May I offer you a refreshment while you wait for my master to arrive?"

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