Call for war

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As Chancellor Palpatine directed the Senate's attention to Obi-Wan Kenobi's report, all eyes turned expectantly to the Jedi Knight. Obi-Wan rose from his seat, a sense of gravity accompanying his movements as he prepared to deliver his findings.

"Esteemed Chancellor, esteemed Senators," Obi-Wan began, his voice steady and measured, "my recent journey to Mandalore has revealed a complex and troubling reality."

He proceeded to recount his observations with meticulous detail, painting a vivid picture of the changes he had witnessed on the once serene planet. From the militaristic efficiency to the underlying unease beneath Mandalore's newfound prosperity, Obi-Wan spared no detail in his report.

"As I navigated through the bustling streets of Mandalore's capital," Obi-Wan continued, his words carrying a weight of concern, "I couldn't help but sense a palpable tension lurking beneath the surface. While the advancements in infrastructure and technology are undeniable, there is a price being paid—a price that may extend beyond mere credits and resources."

He described the conversations he overheard, the enthusiasm of Mandalorian youths for the changes under Duchess Satine's leadership, juxtaposed with his own apprehension about the potential dark truths hidden beneath the surface.

"It is clear that Mandalore stands at a crossroads," Obi-Wan concluded, his voice tinged with urgency. "While the path of progress and modernity is enticing, we must not turn a blind eye to the potential consequences. Military intervention may only serve to exacerbate the tensions already simmering beneath the surface."

Obi-Wan's report hung in the air, a somber reminder of the complexities of galactic politics and the delicate balance of power. As the Senate absorbed his words, a sense of unease settled over the chamber, the weight of their decisions bearing down upon them.

Senator Halle Burtoni, her expression stern and determined, rose from her seat, her gaze fixed on Obi-Wan Kenobi. "Jedi Kenobi," she began, her voice sharp and commanding, "you mentioned Duchess Satine's reaction to the Republic's actions during her planet's time of need. Can you elaborate on her sentiments?"

Obi-Wan met Senator Burtoni's gaze, his eyes reflecting a hint of sorrow. "Indeed, Senator," he replied, his tone tinged with regret. "When I met with Duchess Satine, she expressed profound disappointment and disillusionment with the Republic."

He paused briefly, recalling the weight of Satine's words as she spoke of betrayal and abandonment. "The Duchess reproached me for the Republic's lacking commitment to its allies," Obi-Wan continued, his voice heavy with the burden of truth. "During Mandalore's time of need, the Republic withdrew its officials from the planet, offering little in the way of substantial assistance."

A murmur rippled through the Senate chamber at Obi-Wan's words, whispers of concern and disbelief echoing among the assembled senators. Senator Burtoni's expression hardened, her resolve deepening as she listened intently to the Jedi Knight's account.

"It is clear," Obi-Wan concluded, his voice echoing with solemnity, "that the actions of the Republic have left a lasting mark on Mandalore. Duchess Satine's decision to sever ties with the Republic and align herself with Nathema is a direct consequence of the Republic's perceived betrayal."

As Obi-Wan's words settled over the Senate, a somber silence enveloped the chamber, the weight of their collective decisions pressing down upon them with undeniable force. The fate of Mandalore hung in the balance, its future uncertain amidst the swirling currents of galactic politics and shifting allegiances.

Senator Halle Burtoni, her eyes glinting with calculated ambition, seized upon Obi-Wan's testimony like a predator honing in on its prey. Rising from her seat, she addressed the chamber with a sense of urgency, her words dripping with a sinister twist.

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