Battle of Sventove

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Lord (S/N). There is a transmission incoming, from mandalore.", one of your  four soldiers informs you.

„I'll look at it inside the transporter."

„At once my Lord."

With a servile bow you bid your master farewell and head inside the vehicle.

„So... how is my favourite bounty hunter doing these days?", a female Mandalorian asks playfully.

„We both know that I stopped being a bounty hunter after what happened on Concordia.", you say bringing her back to reality.

„I know. I still can't wrap my head around how you ended up becoming the lord of some remote planet like Nathema."

„Do we really need to go over that story again Bo?", you said putting on the act of the nice guy again, „What provides me with the honor of you calling me?"

„Can't a fellow clansman call their head without any reason?"

„Not really Bo. So what's up?", you bring her back to the topic.

Our spies reported about a Jedi coming your way with his fleet. He has order to explore the unknown regions for possible allies to some extent. To keep it short, they lost contact with him after he said to have discovered a populated planet. You don't happen to know something about this incident?"

You straighten your posture, while holding your lightsaber in your hand.

„Yes they were here. We killed them.", you say coldly.

Bo isn't surprised as she knows that you aren't on good terms with them and just let's out a deep sigh.

„Great.", Bo says ironically, „Prepare yoursefls. They do have their hands full with the war but still I don't think that they will let the death of a Jedi Master slide so easily."

That's what we thought aswell. We are already prepared for a large battle."

„I'd love to assist you but I'm chained up here on Mandalore."

„I understand. Hopefully you can spare some time soon.", you flirt with shy look in your green eyes.

I'll visit you as soon as I can (Y/N). See you."

Bo ends the call before you can even respond. She was one of the two people you allowed to call you by your first name, still it gives you a feeling of uneasyness when someone does not refer to you with (S/N). Over the last year you and Bo have established a relationship similar to that of a couple. In her pressence you always make sure to put on the act of the sith, who is trying to live a good life. You strengthend your bond through the force everytime you get the chance and that way she seems to be completely emotionally attached to you. You are confident to say, that she is now the most loyal ally you have, but regrettably your master didn't teach you about the drawbacks of that technique. Through your forced connection with her you feel yourself actually catching some feelings, for now it is nothing you can not handle, still you want to consult your master about this issue when you get the chance.

„The headquarters informed us that there are more troops incoming, my Lord."

„Contact Commander Havok, he needs to get our soldiers ready. Tell the headquarters to activate our air raid defenses and the heavy artillery needs to be ready to move. Our Destroyers shall remain out of sight from the enemys fleet, we don't want them to see our true strength yet. We lure them into our city and crush them there. Move the civilians to the cities Tsis and Hadzuska. Let Sventove become the battlefield."

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