The generator

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Meanwhile, beneath the thin bridge leading to the main factory, you, Ahsoka, and Barriss navigated through the narrow catacombs. The air was thick with the musty scent of the underground, and the dim glow of luminescent fungi provided the only illumination. The tight passages echoed with the occasional scuttle of Geonosian insects.

The three of you moved with utmost stealth, your every step calculated to avoid detection. Ahsoka, agile and acrobatic, gracefully weaved through the confined spaces. Barriss, ever composed, followed with a focused determination. And you emanated a palpable aura of darkness that seemed to meld with the shadows, making you almost imperceptible.

As you progressed deeper into the catacombs, the distant echoes of blaster fire above ground served as a constant reminder of the diversion unfolding. The Separatists were fully engaged with your forces, providing the perfect cover for your covert mission.

Barriss guided the team through the labyrinthine passages. The catacombs were a maze of tunnels and chambers, and without her meticulous study, navigating this subterranean world would have been an insurmountable challenge.

A sudden shift occurred in the otherwise still scene. One of the Geonosians stirred in its slumber, its multifaceted eyes fluttering as it unconsciously extended a slender, insectoid hand. The appendage found an unexpected resting place atop Barriss' head, its cold and alien touch sending a shiver down her spine.

In response to this unintended intrusion, Barriss's hushed voice cut through the cavern's ambient sounds. "Ahsoka," she murmured, a note of caution lacing her words, an attempt to rouse her companion without disturbing the delicate equilibrium of the cavern.

Ahsoka, with her montrals subtly twitching, moved gracefully to intervene. Her nimble fingers delicately lifted the Geonosian's appendage from Barriss' head. The Togruta's presence radiated a sense of calm, a silent reassurance that steadied her fellow Padawan's nerves. Barriss, relieved yet vigilant, adjusted her position with a careful step, casting a cautious glance toward the still-dozing Geonosians. After a shared moment of silent understanding, you resumed your journey through the subterranean labyrinth.

Suddenly you felt something approaching you from behind and without turning around you caught the hand of a Geonosian that threw his punch at you. In the same instant another one appeared in front of you. In an instinctive reaction you kicked the Bug down to the ground, while turning to your other opponent. It's attack was slow, so you were easily able to block its hand once again and in a swift motion you rammed your forearm into its elbow, causing it to crack with unbearable pain. But before the Geonosian could scream and alert the rest of the hive, your hand covered its mouth and threw the disgusting bug to the ground.

Your gaze wandered off to the two Padawans handling the other Geonosian, trying their best to not let it sound alarm. Meanwhile your opponent managed to get back on its feet, holding its injured arm. Quickly and swiftly, you stormed forward and eliminated the Geonosian with nothing more than a single strike to its throat, letting it drop dead to the ground without making a single sound. Your attention than shifted to the girl's fight. Openly overtaxed with the will of not killing the bug, Ahsoka tried it's best to keep cancel any chance of it alarming the rest of the Geonosians, while Barriss was only looking for an opportunity to strike. From one moment to another the Geonosian then began to shiver and tremble in fear. It noticed your cold-blooded presence behind it, realising the only law of nature itself, who was the predator and who was the prey. This single moment of inattention Barriss then used to rush forward and break the bug's neck in a single, lethal strike.

Her attack was quick and merciless, and you began to see your teachings taking from deep within her very being as her eyes sparked with joy the moment the life left the Geonosians body. Ahsoka felt the change within her friend as well but before she could adress her worries, you intervened.

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