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After the fall of the main factory, all that was left of the separatist forces on Geonosis were some minor factories and enemy hold outs.

"I think we can surely say that the enemy's resistance here is broken, for good." Anakin admitted, with a small sense of pride.

"Now it is time for us to take care of what remains of their forces here, as well as continuing the search for Poggle the lesser." Luminara added.

"Master Unduli and Lord (S/N) should be enough to handle the tasks at hand." Obi-Wan stated, "The wounded will be sent to a nearby Nazaret station, but we need someone to escort them."

"Why don't we let our Padawans handle this mission?" Anakin suggested, his hands resting proudly on the shoulders of his protégé.

Luminara mustered her Padawan with slightly worrying expression but considering the danger those two have just been through, a simple escort mission of the wounded soldiers could be something they might just need now. "I agree with-".

"I would suggest that rather you or Obi-Wan escort the wounded. Taking in account, that Master Ki Adi Mundi is among those and in an almost critical condition at that, in my opinion it would be best for Anakin and Ahsoka to take on this mission instead of just the Padawans on their own." you suggest while interrupting Luminara.

Obi-Wan strokes his beard as he thinks about your suggestion and ultimately agrees. "Lord (S/N) is right. Considering that a figure like Master Mundi is among the wounded, the enemy's interest is more likely to be shifted to those transports.", the Jedi Master thinks out loud before turning to Anakin, "You and Ahsoka will escort the wounded to the Nazaret station, Anakin. I will inform Master Fisto of your arrival. Master Luminara and Padawan Offee will stay here alongside Lord (S/N) and take care of the remnants of the Separatists."

Ahsoka's and her Master's expression both saddened a little but ultimately gave in as they also viewed it as the most logical course of action.

"I will start the necessary preparations immediately." you stated.

"You always seem to be preparing something, Lord (S/N)." Anakin responded with a joking smile as he excused yourself.

"While taking the initiative and rushing into battle might be your favourite approach Anakin, such careless action will lead to most of your men dying under your watch while only following your orders. Preparation and tactics are the most crucial essence in a war as the prepared will always outmatch the fool that runs into the unknown with nothing but himself." you respond coldly.

The Jedi bid each other farewell, since Obi-Wan and the 212th seemed to be needed elsewhere, it left only Luminara's and your forces for the clean up on Geonosis and so, you, Commander Havok, Luminara and her Padawan Barriss decided on how to proceed.

"The scouts report, that only a few more CIS outposts remain but they're scattered, it will be a nuisance to clear all of them without splitting our forces, while searching for Poggle the lesser as well." Commander Havok concluded as he finished presenting the data.

The holographic display in the makeshift command center flickered as Commander Havok wrapped up his report. The dim lighting emphasized the gravity of the situation, casting shadows across the determined faces of those gathered.

Luminara, with her characteristic calm demeanour, spoke next. "Splitting our forces might be the only viable option given the circumstances. However, we need to ensure that each group is strong enough to handle any unexpected resistance."

Commander Havok nodded in agreement. "Agreed. I suggest we divide our forces into three groups. The first, led by Lord (S/N). The second, led by Master Luminara. The third, led by me, will be a mixed unit comprising clone troopers from the 41st Elite Corps and our soldiers."

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