A Challenge?

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"Bellbulab-22 Starfighter, identify!" an officer said on the commlink.

"This is Lord (S/N), open the damn hangar!" you command.

The instant you jumped out of the fighter, you were greeted by the Crimson Company and commander Havok, already awaiting your orders. You talked to them, while on your way to the headquarters.

"Are the troops prepared?" you ask looking at Havok.

"Yes, Lord (S/N). Our army is placed in the various Positions on the planet to ensure a satisfactory answer on the droid's attacks in every sector." he responds.

"Good. First priority is the safety of the citizens, no exceptions. Keep our artillery on standby in a hidden location and our fighters need to start immediately. Tell the soldiers to stay away from General Grievous and Ventress and contact me and the Crimson Company immediately. Half of the fleet shall meet up with admiral Rayse at the Almania system and prepare an ambush. The enemy's fleet will flee, the other half will act as interceptors and destroy them completely." you order and Havok goes off.

In the next few moments, it took you to reach the command centre, you ordered Commander Leo and his men to arm themselves and be ready on standby. Also, you told them that gunship will be we waiting in the main hangar and that they aren't allowed to leave without you.

"Report!" you yelled stepping in the room.

"We are counting ten transporters, with each easily able to have a battalion of droids." Vessec informs.

"Communication officers, contact Zakuul and Concordia. I want the knights in reach and the Jins shall ready three of their finest assassins. Nobody of those who dare to attack Nathema are allowed to continue living for long." you say with hate echoing in your deep voice, "Our scouts need to find out their landing zone as fast as possible and then send Havok there."

"At once, Lord (S/N)!" officer Vessec replied.

"My Lord! We have located the landing zone near the city Tsis. Commander Havok is already on his way with his troops." a communication officer yells from his table.

"Good. Inform me immediately if there is any contact with General Grievous or Ventress."

"Yes, Lord (S/N)!"

Instantly you get a strange feeling, like someone is near you but you can't say where and a few minutes pass until you receive a message from Havok's troops. Surprisingly it wasn't Havok who called you from the battlefield but his Sergeant. Normally Havok always informs you personally, except for times when the battle is on a critical point.

"Sergeant!" you say demanding.

"Lord (S/N)." the young man said and falls on one knee, "The situation is dire, my Lord. We are outnumbered by tenfold and the only thing keeping us at our position is the Commanders strategic effort. We need support as soon as possible. We don't know how long we can hold on."

"We will send backup right away, -" you answer.

"Wait-" the young man interrupts, "Something is coming to us! It's slaughtering our soldiers sir! It wields blue Lightsabres. We need your help Lord (S/N), please help us as soon as possible!"

The transmission then was cut off and you rushed out of the commanding centre and called the Crimson Company.

"Get your asses to the hangar this instant!" you yell into your commlink without even waiting for an answer.

You quickly arrive at the gunship and hop in with Commander Leo and his men already waiting. The ship sets off and you look around the Crimson Company.

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