Minor complication

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With the defeated Pre Vizsla lying lifeless on the battlefield, and the soldiers of Nathema standing as a symbol of triumph, you turned your attention to the darksaber, the legendary weapon that once belonged to the leader of Death Watch.

As you approached the fallen Pre Vizsla, the red shoto lightsaber in your hand remained sheathed. Instead, you reached out with the Force, summoning the darksaber to your hand. The black-bladed weapon, a symbol of leadership and authority among the Mandalorians, hovered in the air before you.

The darksaber's design was unique, its blade shaped like that of a traditional sword but with the energy of a lightsaber. The hilt was adorned with intricate Mandalorian engravings, showcasing the craftsmanship of its creators. Its black blade emitted a low hum, resonating with power and history. The darksaber was not just a weapon; it was a symbol of Mandalorian heritage and leadership.

You examined the darksaber carefully, the crimson glow of your red shoto lightsaber casting an eerie light on its surface. The darksaber had a history of changing hands through combat, a tradition that held great significance among the Mandalorians. Its presence in your possession signified the shift in power and the destiny of Mandalore now firmly in Nathema's grip.

Commander Havok approached, his black armor gleaming in the dim light of Concordia's battlefield. His posture was rigid, a reflection of the discipline instilled in Nathema's military. You turned to face him, the darksaber still held firmly in your grasp.

"Lord (S/N)," Havok began, his voice unwavering. "The battle has been won. The Death Watch forces have been scattered, and Concordia is now under Nathema's control."

You nodded, acknowledging the success of your forces. "Report on the casualties, Commander."

Havok hesitated for a moment before delivering the grim news. "We suffered losses, my Lord. Our soldiers fought valiantly, but not all returned. The Death Watch was relentless, and casualties are higher than anticipated."

Your expression remained stoic, but inside, you were indifferent to the loss of your soldiers. War had its costs, and Nathema's military was expendable, a means to an end. However, Havok continued, revealing an unexpected turn of events.

"We also discovered the bodies of the Mandalorian soldiers sent by Duchess Satine to aid us," Havok continued, his tone carrying a hint of confusion. "It seems they were not victims of the battle, but rather executed with precision. It's as if someone targeted them specifically."

You allowed a subtle smile to play on your lips, knowing exactly who was responsible for this calculated move. This spared you the trouble of dealing with the Mandalorian interference yourself, "Secure the perimeter and make sure to annihilate any spark of resistance on this planet."

Havok nodded, a salute, and turned to issue the necessary orders to his subordinates. As he left to carry out your command, you looked once more at the darksaber in your hand. The symbol of leadership now rested firmly within the grasp of Nathema.

A low hum echoed through the air as a sleek SGS-41B Comet Breaker, commonly referred to as SGS in Nathema's military, descended from the darkened sky. The ship's metallic hull gleamed in the moonlight, and its repulsorlifts kicked up a swirl of dust as it touched down on the battlefield.

The ramp lowered, and you took a step forward, the darksaber still in hand. Commander Havok returned, standing at attention. The soldiers of Nathema formed a corridor, a path leading directly to the awaiting ship. The ship ascended into the night sky, leaving Concordia in the hands of Nathema. As the planet diminished beneath you, your thoughts turned to Mandalore and the next phase of your plan.

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