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"What happened to the Pantoran lady?" you ask Bo curiously.

"The Buyer came by and told us she was sold off and if you wanted, he could bring another one. I told him that there was no need and that we were enough."

"You really are getting jealous." you accuse Bo in a lovely tone.

Bo smirked, her eyes narrowing playfully as she locked gazes with you. "Oh, so now you're an expert on my emotions, huh? Getting jealous, am I? Perhaps you're the one who should be worried."

You chuckled softly, leaning in closer.

"Oh, I am worried, Bo. Worried that I might lose you to someone else." Your voice carried a tinge of mock concern, a hint of vulnerability that spoke volumes, "After all, you're a remarkable woman, fiercely independent, and captivating in every way. It's hard not to feel a little possessive."

Her eyes softened, and a slight blush crept onto Bo's cheeks. She bit her lip, a gesture that revealed a subtle vulnerability of her own.

"You don't need to worry about that," she whispered, her voice barely audible, "I've never felt a connection like this before, not with anyone. It's as if fate brought us together."

You reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Fate may have played its part, but it's our choices that keep us here, Bo. We've chosen each other, and I'm grateful every day for that. The way you challenge me, inspire me... I've never met anyone like you."

A mix of emotions flickered across Bo's face desire, uncertainty, and a longing for something deeper. You continued, your voice filled with earnestness.

"We both know the galaxy can be a cold and lonely place. But with you by my side, everything feels warmer, brighter. You give me strength, Bo, and I hope I can do the same for you."

Her hand trembled as she reached out to touch yours, her eyes shimmering with unspoken emotions.

"You already do," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I feel safe with you, more alive than ever. I don't want this to end."

Suddenly the door opened, and Shitu stepped into the room, instantly spotting you two.

"Should I leave the room to you?" she suggested bluntly.

"That won't be necessary." you say pulling your hands away from Bo returning to your cold self again, "Let's sleep for now. I'm sure tomorrow will also be a busy day. Rest up while you can."

The three of you wake up to the face of someone you know just too well.

"Did you sleep well, Gladiator (S/N)?" the Buyer asked but even Bo could hear that he didn't care at all about your well-being.

"What do you want?" you ask bluntly already awake.

"Just checking on my newest investment. Anyway, I heard your dinner yesterday went all too well." he said, making himself comfortable.

"It is none of your business." you underline.

"I will let this behaviour slide for today since you became the champion, but keep in mind what holds you here and who is the one holding the threads. And before I go, I have another 'appointment' for you." the Buyer said fixating his gaze on you "Tonight you will be fighting in a Battle-Royal with five other Gladiators in order to defend your title."

"There is nothing like a good fight." Bo said sarcastically, attempting to cheer you up a bit.

"I prefer a more diplomatic solution but, if necessary, I am also able to fight." Shitu added.

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