Ruins of Nabat

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Your soldiers were all standing at attention ready for your order. Each face bore determination and discipline, ready to kill for their leader at any time. Loyal soldiers that stood aside you through the hell of a rebellion and are now serving under you. Their faces scared from battles fought long ago.

"Everyone get ready to move out! Departure will be in 30 min!" you yell into the crowd of soldiers, and everyone responded with a salute.

"What will you do in the meantime?" Bo asked.

"Prepare." you answer simply and head back to your shuttle.

Inside you got into a room and noticed something strange.

"How can you keep following me like this?" you asked the ominous pressence lingering in the room.

"A secret you mustn't know of." Darth Nyriss replied.

"Then what is your business this time?"

"Isn't a teacher allowed to look after his pupil?"

"I am not your pupil and that is not how you ancient Sith work."

"So, you'd say the same goes for your own Master?" the Sith said with a deceiving tone under her voice.

You are frustrated as your words were twisted against you and had to control your anger to not shoot a force lightning directly into her.

"Leave me alone!" you order the Sith Lord.

"I will do as you say for now, but don't expect me to leave it at that." Darth Nyrris said snappish and disappeared back into her holocron.

Then you sat on the ground, getting calmer and calmer you start to meditate until you hear a voice. It was deep and demanded authority the instant its essence reached your ear.

"My disciple." Darth Vitiate said.


"Report to me. How are the preparations?" he asked, his voice echoing through your mind.

"We are currently on Ryloth, the home planet of the Twi'lek, and support them in freeing their planet. With this our influence in the galaxy will increase greatly." you inform.

"Well done, continue."

"Under our control are currently the Rekkiad system as well as the entire empire of Zygerria. The knights of Zakuul are a great asset in the siege to increase the forces even more." you added.

"What about the Odyssey project?"

"It is expected to be finished in two months without any issues."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, Master Vitiate."

"I will watch over you from afar, never forget that young (Y/N)."

After that his voice disappeared from your head and just as you wanted to continue with your meditation, Bo knocked on the door, informing you that the troops are ready. Slightly annoyed you get up and head to the troops.

"Ready to move out." Commander Havok greeted you firmly.

"Move according to plan, each company takes one Twi'lek with them as guide." you order and just then you happen to overhear a conversation between Cham Syndulla and his wife.

"You shouldn't go, you're pregnant!" the ressitance leader whispered aggressively.

His wife insisted on coming along, but ultimately gave in and agreed to stay behind.

The crimson child -Male Sith Reader-Where stories live. Discover now